Resolution: Done
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Qt Creator 4.7.0
Windows server 2016 + VS 2017
I tried to build QTCreator (master branch revision db9837f) with an upcoming VS2017 on Winodws. It failed to build due to error C2338: You've instantiated std::aligned_storage<Len, Align> with an extended alignment (in other words, Align > alignof(max_align_t)). Before VS 2017 15.8, the member type would non-conformingly have an alignment of only alignof(max_align_t). VS 2017 15.8 was fixed to handle this correctly, but the fix inherently changes layout and breaks binary compatibility (only for uses of aligned_storage with extended alignments). Please define either (1) _ENABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE to acknowledge that you understand this message and that you actually want a type with an extended alignment, or (2) _DISABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE to silence this message and get the old non-conformant behavior.
Note: This error is by-design and add /D_ENABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE option to fix this issue.
Reproduce steps:
git clone [git://] D:\QTCreator\src
Open a VS 2015 x86 command prompt and browse to D:\QTCreator\src
qmake -r
Actual result:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\include\type_traits(1271): error C2338: You've instantiated std::aligned_storage<Len, Align> with an extended alignment (in other words, Align > alignof(max_align_t)). Before VS 2017 15.8, the member type would non-conformingly have an alignment of only alignof(max_align_t). VS 2017 15.8 was fixed to handle this correctly, but the fix inherently changes layout and breaks binary compatibility (only for uses of aligned_storage with extended alignments). Please define either (1) _ENABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE to acknowledge that you understand this message and that you actually want a type with an extended alignment, or (2) _DISABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE to silence this message and get the old non-conformant behavior.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\include\type_traits(1291): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::_Aligned<1024,64,double,false>' being compiled
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\include\type_traits(1298): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::_Aligned<1024,64,int,false>' being compiled
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\include\type_traits(1305): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::_Aligned<1024,64,short,false>' being compiled
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\include\type_traits(1312): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::_Aligned<1024,64,char,false>' being compiled
botan_all.cpp(146): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'std::aligned_storage<1024,64>' being compiled
Suggestion on my side:
cl.exe /D_ENABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE /MD /bigobj /EHs /GR /wd4127 /wd4244 /wd4250 /wd4267 /wd4334 /wd4702 /wd4996 /W4 /wd4250 /wd4251 /wd4275 /Ibuild\include /nologo /c botan_all.cpp
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-69948 VS2017 15.8.0 compile error (x86)
- Closed