Resolution: Done
P2: Important
Qt Creator 4.8.0
97e1bc28d21862593fe317794904c5854c92fcda (qt-creator/qt-creator/4.8)
When using autocomplete for (virtual?) functions that have no arguments, the cursor should be places after the parentheses not in between.
QFile myFile; myFile.clo<CTRL+Space>
should give
QFile myFile; myFile.close()<Cursor>
but it gives
QFile myFile; myFile.close(<Cursor>)
So you have to click <Cursor right> to be beyond the parentheses.
What is more important... it makes you think / distracts you:
"Aeeeh... what arguments should be in here... is there a version of this method with argument.... No... it's just QtCreator is not Qt cute enough.... What was I about to do?"
For QString it seems to work for method 'clear()'.
Maybe it's because close() is a virtual method of QFile?