Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
Qt Creator 4.9.0
7f0663dede1c811a54a1b28e9abc556c76738928 (qt-creator/qt-creator/4.9)
sftp command to deploy the symlink of a lib is wrong, here is an example:
10:05:01: sftp> -rm /usr/lib/ 10:05:01: sftp> ln -s /[absolute path to my build directory...]/libsequencer/ /usr/lib/ 10:05:01: sftp> put /[absolute path to my build directory...]/libsequencer/ /usr/lib/ 10:05:03: sftp> -rm /usr/lib/ 10:05:03: sftp> ln -s /[absolute path to my build directory...]/libsequencer/ /usr/lib/ 10:05:03: sftp> -rm /usr/lib/ 10:05:03: sftp> ln -s /[absolute path to my build directory...]/libsequencer/ /usr/lib/
The link is set to link target's file to its copy on the host.
I.e. the path is wrong because it points to a folder on the host. The filename is wrong because it points to a copy of itself instead of the most specific version of the library. For example the last command should be :
sftp> ln -s /usr/lib/libsequencer/ /usr/lib/
NOTE : It worked fine on Qt Creator 4.8
Here is what I think is a relevant extract of my .pro file:
TEMPLATE = lib TARGET = sequencer [...] target.path = /usr/lib INSTALLS += target
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTCREATORBUG-22349 Deployment breaks symlinks from target.path
- Closed