Resolution: Done
P3: Somewhat important
Qt Creator 4.9.2
* Fedora 30
* GCC-C++ 9.1.1
* GDB 8.3
* Qt 5.13.0
* QtCreator 4.9.2
0cdea406061fe1bad0ab577adab0e0dc9b3b73dc (qt-creator/qt-creator/4.11)
In a debugging session for the code below the variable "std::string test" gets its value set to "<not accessible>" while QString one is fine.
#include <QString> #include <iostream> int main(void) { QString test1("test1"); std::string test("test"); return 0; }
I've tested this same code with QtCreator 4.9.1 and had the same issue. I installed Qt dev tools/libs via its online installer:
Qt version = 5.13.0
QtCreator version = 4.9.2/4.9.1
C++ toolchain version = GCC-C++ 9.1.1
GDB version = 8.3
Linux distro = Fedora 30
Some other bugs were already opened with somewhat the same kind of issue (i.e. QTCREATORBUG-21321), but none of them really helped me to solve this bug in particular. Attached are both logs (right and left windows) from debugger view.