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  1. Qt Creator

Qt Creator + Cmake. QtCreator start msbuild with the wrong platform toolset.



    • Windows


      I have Qt Creator 4.9.1 and some editions of MSVC on my machine. When I Build one application in my company with CMake + MSVC2017 through CMakelists.txt, the compilation fails because there is dependencies compiler with /MD but the main application appears being compiled with MDd, tough the config is Release (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Release).

      To solve that I set up the v141 toolset explicitly and cleaned CMAkeCache and CMakeFiles before the recompilation, to guarantee there is not any sign of older compilation and I chose rebuild the app.

      But, indeed, with the changes a bizarre error is reported to me now by Qt Creator, avoiding starting the compilation process:

      c:\User\...\productBuild.sln.metaproj : error MSB4126: A configura‡Æo da solu‡Æo especificada "Debug|x64" ‚ inv lida. Especifique uma configura‡Æo de solu‡Æo v lida com as propriedades Configuration e Platform (por exemplo, MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Qualquer CPU") ou deixe essas propriedades em branco para usar a configura‡Æo de solu‡Æo padrÆo. [C:\Users\edward.bos\pixeon_projects\build-arya-Qt_5_12_amd64_release-Release\AryaBuild.sln]


      The translation of message that is in portugese with the wrong character encoding is:

      The specified solution config "Debug|x64" is invalid. Please specify a valid configuration....

      There was a message before this error when I was investigation the error that clearly was stating my toolset was v100 with a message from MSBuild pointing to a line of a MSVC XML file with something like that (The xml is different):

      <If ReferencedToolset="vc100">Configuration not valid</If>

      Using the normal command line and setting up msbuild on PATH the error does not happen. I had compiled the ALL_BUILD.vcproj generated by the CMake parsing and "make generation" using a command line akin to:

      msbuild -p:PlatformToolset=v141,platform=x64 -t:rebuild

      the compilation had ocurred successfully.

      I also have tried:

      cmake --build . --config Release

      And the compilation also had finished with success.

      What leaves me to the conclusion QtCeator is passing the wrong arguments to MS build.I imagine that are a bug when differente versions of Qt and MSVC exists, each with your proper kit:


      This is my kit set up screen and  I have send it just for reference purposes.


        1. image-2019-09-05-19-04-59-387.png
          7 kB
        2. image-2019-09-05-19-24-00-416.png
          57 kB
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