Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
Qt Creator 4.10.0
Consider such files tree structure:
|- app.exe
|- foo.dll
|- qml
|- Bar
|- plugin.dll // link against foo.dll
|- qmldir
It's exactly the same how qtquickcontrols2plugin.dll link against Qt5QuickControls2.dll. I can use qmlplugindumpexe command tool and modify %PATH% in a console to generate .qmltypes file. But when I write QML codes in such a project with Qt Creator, I got
Automatic type dump of QML module failed. Errors: "Qt\5.13.1\msvc2019_64\bin\qmlplugindump.exe" returned exit code 3. Arguments: -nonrelocatable Bar 1.0 . QQmlComponent: Component is not ready bin/qml/Bar/qmldir: plugin cannot be loaded for module "": Cannot load library bin\qml\Bar\plugin.dll: The specified module could not be found.
and of course no highlights and auto completion for the components in Bar module.
And I tried to modify PATH variable in 'Build/Run Environment' but with no luck.
I also looked into src/libs/qmljs/qmljsplugindumper.cpp
void PluginDumper::runQmlDump(const QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &info, const QStringList &arguments, const QString &importPath) { QDir wd = QDir(importPath); wd.cdUp(); QProcess *process = new QProcess(this); process->setEnvironment(info.qmlDumpEnvironment.toStringList()); QString workingDir = wd.canonicalPath(); process->setWorkingDirectory(workingDir); connect(process, QOverload<int, QProcess::ExitStatus>::of(&QProcess::finished), this, &PluginDumper::qmlPluginTypeDumpDone); connect(process, &QProcess::errorOccurred, this, &PluginDumper::qmlPluginTypeDumpError); process->start(info.qmlDumpPath, arguments); m_runningQmldumps.insert(process, importPath); }
and src/plugins/qmljstools/qmljsmodelmanager.cpp
ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo ModelManager::defaultProjectInfoForProject(
Project *project) const
ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo projectInfo(project);
projectInfo.qmlDumpEnvironment = Utils::Environment::systemEnvironment();
It seems that the dumper prefer a system environment than build or run environments in IDE so that I have to add the bin path to global system environment to make Qt Creator works correctly.
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTCREATORBUG-21768 QtCreator unable to import Plasma5 plugins
- Closed