Resolution: Unresolved
P3: Somewhat important
Qt Creator 4.11.0
Using the latest Qt Creator with Qt 5.14.0:
- macOS 10.15.2
- openJDK 8
- Android SDK Version: 26.1.1
- Android NDK Version: 20.1.5948944
- Targeting Android API 28
- Gradle version 5.5.1
- Android Gradle Plugin version 3.5.3
If I enabled "Build .aab" and run the build from Qt Creator with verbose enabled, I receive this output at the end:
Signing file [redacted]/android-build//build/outputs/apk/release/android-build-release-unsigned.apk jar signed. Warning: The signer's certificate is self-signed. Signing file [redacted]/android-build//build/outputs/bundle/release/android-build-release.aab jarsigner command failed. jarsigner: unable to open jar file: /[redacted]/android-build//build/outputs/bundle/release/android-build-release.aab 08:54:34: The process "/Applications/Qt/5.14.0/android/bin/androiddeployqt" exited with code 15. Error while building/deploying project [redacted] (kit: Android for armeabi-v7a,arm64-v8a,x86,x86_64 (Clang Qt 5.14.0 for Android)) When executing step "Build Android APK"
It looks like androiddeployqt is expecting the bundle to be output by gradle during the build process as "android-build-release.aab" but it is actually appearing in the output dir as "android-build.aab" and the jarsigner step fails.
If I run jarsigner like this:
jarsigner -sigalg SHA256withRSA -digestalg SHA-256 -keystore android_release.keystore -storepass [redacted] [redacted]/android-build/build/outputs/bundle/release/android-build.aab signing
It completes successfully.
I've tried updating everything in the Android environment and checked various versions of things and am left thinking this is a bug. Could be some setting I've got wrong but I'm clueless what it might be.
If it is a bug, when somebody goes in to fix this, could you also please add code to output the jarsigner command when verbose is turned on? That would help with debugging this step.