Resolution: Done
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 4.12.0
Qt Creator 4.12.0
Based on Qt 5.14.2 (MSVC 2017, 32 bit)
Built on Apr 22 2020 01:29:13
From revision 10fece1795
Windows 10 Enterprise
Version 1903
OS build 18362.959
[ |] cdwijs 6 minutes ago
In the Qt creator debugger, I see incorrect values displayed on a QDateTime. The output from the same QDateTime value is correct when output via qDebug()
Steps to reproduce
1) Create a new Qt widget project in qt creator, open main.cpp, and add the following code, and set a breakpoint at the last line.
QDateTime myqdatetime;
qint64 start = myqdatetime.currentDateTimeUtc().toMSecsSinceEpoch();
start = 1596782820000; //fixed value: (2020-08-07 08:47:00 localtime in the Netherlands, 2020-08-07 06:47:00 UTC)
QDateTime startdtLt;
QDateTime startdtUtc;
qDebug() << start;
startdtLt=QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(start); //debug
qDebug() << startdtLt;
startdtUtc=QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(start, Qt::UTC,0);
qDebug() << startdtUtc;
2) Debug the code (press F5), and see the following in the Application output. These are the correct value's:
11:48:02: Debugging starts
QDateTime(2020-08-07 08:47:00.000 W. Europe Daylight Time Qt::LocalTime)
QDateTime(2020-08-07 06:47:00.000 UTC Qt::UTC)
3) Look at the right plane of qt creator. There wildly incorrect values are displayed:
startdtLt za apr 29 20:35:56 1989 GMT+0006
startdtUtc do jan 31 07:23:38 1974 GMT+0006
I have also reported this in the forums: