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Qt Creator 4.13.1
When building a project for android, recent QtCreator versions add such an entry to the .pro file
+ANDROID_ABIS = armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a
Now, I'm working on a multi platform app, so I keep all the android specific options inside an android: {} block. If I move this added line into the block, QtCreator failes to find it and will add it again outside the block.
Now, in addition to that, I believe this shouldn't be added at all in the .pro, but rather seems to be something for the .pri file:
- On my development machine I don't need to build multiple archs, I just build the one my dev phone is so I select only one.
- In the CI, where building the packages for release those will selected by adding ANDROID_ABIS="arch1 arch2 arch3..." to the qmake arguments anyways.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTCREATORBUG-24674 When the kit is changed to be an Android one then it will add an entry for ANDROID_ABIS into the pro file even if it is not needed
- Closed