Resolution: Unresolved
P3: Somewhat important
Qt Creator 4.15.1
- Create an empty Qt Quick application project.
- Add a breakpoint in main.cpp
- Run under debugger. Result: it shows error messages. Android app is waiting for the debugger to attach.
Error message box in Qt Creator:
Failed to Start Application
Connecting to remote server failed:
Remote connection closed
In Application Output:
killall: gdbserver: No such process
rm: /data/user/0/org.qtproject.example.untitled2/debug-socket: No such file or directory
07:51:02: Debugging "-qmljsdebugger=port:63886,block,services:DebugMessages,QmlDebugger,V8Debugger,QmlInspector,DebugTranslation" ...
Screenshot of my Android settings tab is attached.
Sometimes it also says:
07:56:01: Cannot find C++ debug server in NDK installation.
All above is for Qt 5.15.2.
If I try Qt 5.12.11, I get this message:
killall: No such process
rm: /data/user/0/org.qtproject.example.untitled2/debug-socket: No such file or directory
08:01:58: Debugging "-qmljsdebugger=port:49852,block,services:DebugMessages,QmlDebugger,V8Debugger,QmlInspector,DebugTranslation" ...
Could not load shared library symbols for 262 libraries, e.g. /system/lib/
Use the "info sharedlibrary" command to see the complete listing.
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?
I've also attached some logs.