Resolution: Done
P2: Important
Qt Creator 4.15.2
macOS 10.15.7
macOS 11.2
c82a37bb246ffba8b064f32f9335b446fe3c2d5b (qt-creator/tqtc-qt-creator/5.0)
I enabled the SilverSearcher Plugin in QT Creator (described here: and installed the SilverSearcher executable with homebrew. Then i restarted Qt Creator and tried to use the plugin. But when i select Silver Searcher as the Search engine in Advanced Find, Creator shows "Silver Searcher is not available on the system".
I can execute "ag --version" without problems in terminal. ag is installed in /usr/local/bin/ag.
QProcess silverSearcherProcess; silverSearcherProcess.start("ag", {"--version"}); if (silverSearcherProcess.waitForFinished()){ if (silverSearcherProcess.readAll().contains("ag version")) qDebug() << "ag is Installed!"; else qDebug() << "ag NOT found!"; }
if i build & run this code snippet, it also shows that: "ag is Installed!"
I cannot find any hints to this problem online. I have 2 Macs which are both affected.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.