Resolution: Done
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 6.0.1, Qt Creator 7.0.0-beta1
e1f45507c5 (qt-creator/qt-creator/6.0) e1f45507c5 (qt-creator/qt-creator/master) e1f45507c5 (qt-creator/qt-creator/qmlprojectstorage) e1f45507c5 (qt-creator/qt-creator/qds-3.0)
To reproduce:
1. Create simple hello world example and run it on linux device.
2. Don't close the terminal window showing:
Hello world!!!
Press <RETURN> to close this window...
3. Close the entire Creator. When it asks about running application, choose "Force Quit".
4. I'm getting the following output:
SOFT ASSERT: "m_acquiredConnections.isEmpty()" in file /home/jarek/dev/creator-master/src/libs/ssh/sshconnectionmanager.cpp, line 73 SOFT ASSERT: "m_handles.isEmpty()" in file /home/jarek/dev/creator-master/src/libs/utils/launchersocket.cpp, line 787 Destroying process launcher while 6 processes are still alive. The following processes are still alive: "/usr/bin/ssh" QList("-M", "-N", "-o", "ControlPersist=no", "-o", "PermitLocalCommand=yes", "-o", "LocalCommand=echo", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-o", "Port=22", "-o", "User=jarek", "-o", "IdentitiesOnly=yes", "-i", "/home/jarek/my_test_key/test_key", "-o", "BatchMode=yes", "-o", "ConnectTimeout=10", "-o", "ControlPath=/tmp/QtCreator-NUxeJC/cs", "") in thread 0x1e18cc0 "/usr/bin/ssh" QList("-q", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-o", "Port=22", "-o", "User=jarek", "-o", "IdentitiesOnly=yes", "-i", "/home/jarek/my_test_key/test_key", "-o", "BatchMode=yes", "-o", "ConnectTimeout=10", "", "/bin/sh") in thread 0x25f88a8 Not running process in thread 0x1e18cc0 Not running process in thread 0x1e18cc0 Not running process in thread 0x1e18cc0 Not running process in thread 0x1e18cc0
5. If you can't reproduce it, try running Creator through debugger instead.
For Gerrit Dashboard: QTCREATORBUG-26847 | ||||||
# | Subject | Branch | Project | Status | CR | V |
390276,4 | LanguageClient: fix possible crash on shutdown | 6.0 | qt-creator/qt-creator | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |