Resolution: Invalid
P3: Somewhat important
Qt Creator 6.0.2
Qt 6.2.2 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.1 20201112 (Red Hat 10.2.1-8)) on "xcb"
OS: Manjaro Linux [linux version 5.15.12-1-MANJARO]
Architecture: x86_64; features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX
Library info:
PrefixPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt
DocumentationPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/doc
HeadersPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/include
LibrariesPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/lib
LibraryExecutablesPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/libexec
BinariesPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/bin
PluginsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/plugins
QmlImportsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/qml
ArchDataPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt
DataPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt
TranslationsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/translations
ExamplesPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/examples
TestsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/tests
SettingsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt
Standard paths [*...* denote writable entry]:
DesktopLocation: "Desktop" */home/qtrob/Schreibtisch*
DocumentsLocation: "Documents" */home/qtrob/Dokumente*
FontsLocation: "Fonts" */home/qtrob/.local/share/fonts* /home/qtrob/.fonts /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/fonts /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/fonts /usr/local/share/fonts /usr/share/fonts
ApplicationsLocation: "Applications" */home/qtrob/.local/share/applications* /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications /usr/local/share/applications /usr/share/applications
MusicLocation: "Music" */home/qtrob/Musik*
MoviesLocation: "Movies" */home/qtrob/Videos*
PicturesLocation: "Pictures" */home/qtrob/Bilder*
TempLocation: "Temporary Directory" */tmp*
HomeLocation: "Home" */home/qtrob*
AppLocalDataLocation: "Application Data" */home/qtrob/.local/share/QtProject/qtdiag* /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/local/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/QtProject/qtdiag
CacheLocation: "Cache" */home/qtrob/.cache/QtProject/qtdiag*
GenericDataLocation: "Shared Data" */home/qtrob/.local/share* /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share /usr/local/share /usr/share
RuntimeLocation: "Runtime" */run/user/1001*
ConfigLocation: "Configuration" */home/qtrob/.config* /etc/xdg
DownloadLocation: "Download" */home/qtrob/Downloads*
GenericCacheLocation: "Shared Cache" */home/qtrob/.cache*
GenericConfigLocation: "Shared Configuration" */home/qtrob/.config* /etc/xdg
AppDataLocation: "Application Configuration" */home/qtrob/.local/share/QtProject/qtdiag* /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/local/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/QtProject/qtdiag
AppConfigLocation: "Application Configuration" */home/qtrob/.config/QtProject/qtdiag* /etc/xdg/QtProject/qtdiag
File selectors (increasing order of precedence):
de_DE unix linux manjaro
Using "OpenSSL 1.1.1m 14 Dec 2021", version: 0x101010df
Platform capabilities: ThreadedPixmaps OpenGL ThreadedOpenGL WindowMasks MultipleWindows ForeignWindows NonFullScreenWindows NativeWidgets WindowManagement SyncState RasterGLSurface SwitchableWidgetComposition
Style hints:
mouseDoubleClickInterval: 400
mousePressAndHoldInterval: 500
startDragDistance: 8
startDragTime: 500
startDragVelocity: 0
keyboardInputInterval: 400
keyboardAutoRepeatRate: 30
cursorFlashTime: 1200
showIsFullScreen: 0
showIsMaximized: 0
passwordMaskDelay: 0
passwordMaskCharacter: U+2022
fontSmoothingGamma: 1.7
useRtlExtensions: 0
setFocusOnTouchRelease: 0
tabFocusBehavior: Qt::TabFocusAllControls
singleClickActivation: 0
Additional style hints (QPlatformIntegration):
ReplayMousePressOutsidePopup: 0
Platforms requested : gtk3,gnome,generic
available : gtk3,snap,flatpak,xdgdesktopportal
Styles requested : Fusion,windows
available : Windows,Fusion
Icon theme : Papirus-Dark-Maia, from /home/qtrob/.local/share/icons,/usr/share/icons
System font : "Noto Sans" 11
Native file dialog
Native color dialog
Native font dialog
General font : "Noto Sans" 11
Fixed font : "monospace" 11
Title font : "DejaVu LGC Sans" 12
Smallest font: "DejaVu LGC Sans" 12
QPalette::WindowText: #ff000000
QPalette::Button: #ffefefef
QPalette::Light: #ffffffff
QPalette::Midlight: #ffcacaca
QPalette::Dark: #ff9f9f9f
QPalette::Mid: #ffb8b8b8
QPalette::Text: #ff000000
QPalette::BrightText: #ffffffff
QPalette::ButtonText: #ff000000
QPalette::Base: #ffffffff
QPalette::Window: #ffefefef
QPalette::Shadow: #ff767676
QPalette::Highlight: #ff308cc6
QPalette::HighlightedText: #ffffffff
QPalette::Link: #ff0000ff
QPalette::LinkVisited: #ffff00ff
QPalette::AlternateBase: #fff7f7f7
QPalette::NoRole: #ff000000
QPalette::ToolTipBase: #ffffffdc
QPalette::ToolTipText: #ff000000
QPalette::PlaceholderText: #80000000
Screens: 1, High DPI scaling: inactive
# 0 "XWAYLAND0" Depth: 24 Primary: yes
Serial number:
Geometry: 1920x1080+0+0 Available: 1920x1048+0+32
Physical size: 600x340 mm Refresh: 59.9628 Hz Power state: 0
Physical DPI: 81.28,80.6824 Logical DPI: 96,96 Subpixel_None
DevicePixelRatio: 1
Primary orientation: 2 Orientation: 2 Native orientation: 0
Input devices: 7
QInputDevice::DeviceType::Mouse "Virtual core pointer", seat: "30002" capabilities: Position Scroll Hover
QInputDevice::DeviceType::Keyboard "Virtual core keyboard", seat: "30002" capabilities:
QInputDevice::DeviceType::Mouse "Virtual core XTEST pointer", seat: "30002" capabilities: Position Scroll Hover
QInputDevice::DeviceType::Keyboard "Virtual core XTEST keyboard", seat: "30002" capabilities:
QInputDevice::DeviceType::Mouse "xwayland-pointer:17", seat: "30002" capabilities: Position Scroll Hover
QInputDevice::DeviceType::TouchPad "xwayland-relative-pointer:17", seat: "30002" capabilities: MouseEmulation Scroll
QInputDevice::DeviceType::Keyboard "xwayland-keyboard:17", seat: "30002" capabilities:
LibGL Vendor: Intel Open Source Technology Center
Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2)
Version: 3.0 Mesa 21.3.2
Shading language: 1.30
Format: Version: 3.0 Profile: 0 Swap behavior: 0 Buffer size (RGB): 8,8,8
Profile: None (QOpenGLFunctions_3_0)
Vulkan instance available
Supported instance extensions:
VK_KHR_device_group_creation, version 1
VK_KHR_display, version 23
VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities, version 1
VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities, version 1
VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities, version 1
VK_KHR_get_display_properties2, version 1
VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, version 2
VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2, version 1
VK_KHR_surface, version 25
VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities, version 1
VK_KHR_wayland_surface, version 6
VK_KHR_xcb_surface, version 6
VK_KHR_xlib_surface, version 6
VK_EXT_acquire_drm_display, version 1
VK_EXT_acquire_xlib_display, version 1
VK_EXT_debug_report, version 10
VK_EXT_direct_mode_display, version 1
VK_EXT_display_surface_counter, version 1
VK_EXT_debug_utils, version 2
Supported layers:
Available physical devices:
API version 1.2.195, vendor 0x8086, device 0x162, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2), type 1, driver version 21.3.2
Qt Rendering Hardware Interface supported backends:
OpenGL (with default QSurfaceFormat):
Driver Info: Device: Intel Open Source Technology Center Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2) 3.0 Mesa 21.3.2 Device ID: 0x0 Vendor ID: 0x0 Device type: Unknown
Min Texture Size: 1
Max Texture Size: 4000
Max Color Attachments: 8
Frames in Flight: 1
Async Readback Limit: 1
MaxThreadGroupsPerDimension: 0
MaxThreadsPerThreadGroup: 0
MaxThreadGroupX: 0
MaxThreadGroupY: 0
MaxThreadGroupZ: 0
Uniform Buffer Alignment: 1
Supported MSAA sample counts: 1,2,4,8
v MultisampleTexture
v MultisampleRenderBuffer
- DebugMarkers
- Timestamps
- Instancing
- CustomInstanceStepRate
- PrimitiveRestart
v NonDynamicUniformBuffers
v NonFourAlignedEffectiveIndexBufferOffset
v NPOTTextureRepeat
- RedOrAlpha8IsRed
v ElementIndexUint
- Compute
v WideLines
v VertexShaderPointSize
- BaseVertex
- BaseInstance
v TriangleFanTopology
v ReadBackNonUniformBuffer
v ReadBackNonBaseMipLevel
v TexelFetch
v RenderToNonBaseMipLevel
v IntAttributes
v ScreenSpaceDerivatives
- ReadBackAnyTextureFormat
Texture formats: RGBA8 BGRA8 R8 R16 RG8 RED_OR_ALPHA8 RGBA16F RGBA32F R16F R32F D16 D32F BC1 BC2 BC3 ETC2_RGB8 ETC2_RGB8A1 ETC2_RGBA8
Driver Info: Device: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2) Device ID: 0x162 Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device type: Integrated
Min Texture Size: 1
Max Texture Size: 4000
Max Color Attachments: 8
Frames in Flight: 2
Async Readback Limit: 2
MaxThreadGroupsPerDimension: FFFF
MaxThreadsPerThreadGroup: 800
MaxThreadGroupX: 800
MaxThreadGroupY: 800
MaxThreadGroupZ: 800
Uniform Buffer Alignment: 40
Supported MSAA sample counts: 1,4,8
v MultisampleTexture
v MultisampleRenderBuffer
- DebugMarkers
v Timestamps
v Instancing
- CustomInstanceStepRate
v PrimitiveRestart
v NonDynamicUniformBuffers
v NonFourAlignedEffectiveIndexBufferOffset
v NPOTTextureRepeat
v RedOrAlpha8IsRed
v ElementIndexUint
v Compute
v WideLines
v VertexShaderPointSize
v BaseVertex
v BaseInstance
v TriangleFanTopology
v ReadBackNonUniformBuffer
v ReadBackNonBaseMipLevel
v TexelFetch
v RenderToNonBaseMipLevel
v IntAttributes
v ScreenSpaceDerivatives
v ReadBackAnyTextureFormat
Texture formats: RGBA8 BGRA8 R8 R16 RG8 RED_OR_ALPHA8 RGBA16F RGBA32F R16F R32F D16 D32F BC1 BC2 BC3 BC4 BC5 BC6H BC7
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in ""
MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete
MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete
Plugin information:
+ Android 6.0.2
+ AutoTest 6.0.2
AutotoolsProjectManager 6.0.2
BareMetal 6.0.2
+ Bazaar 6.0.2
Beautifier 6.0.2
+ BinEditor 6.0.2
+ Bookmarks 6.0.2
Boot2Qt 6.0.2
+ CMakeProjectManager 6.0.2
+ CVS 6.0.2
+ ClangCodeModel 6.0.2
ClangFormat 6.0.2
+ ClangTools 6.0.2
+ ClassView 6.0.2
ClearCase 6.0.2
+ CodePaster 6.0.2
CompilationDatabaseProjectManager 6.0.2
Conan 6.0.2
+ Core 6.0.2
+ CppEditor 6.0.2
Cppcheck 6.0.2
+ CtfVisualizer 6.0.2
+ Debugger 6.0.2
+ Designer 6.0.2
+ DiffEditor 6.0.2
Docker 6.0.2
EmacsKeys 6.0.2
+ FakeVim 6.0.2
+ GLSLEditor 6.0.2
+ GenericProjectManager 6.0.2
+ Git 6.0.2
HelloWorld 6.0.2
+ Help 6.0.2
+ ImageViewer 6.0.2
+ IncrediBuild 6.0.2
Ios 6.0.2
+ LanguageClient 6.0.2
+ Macros 6.0.2
+ Marketplace 6.0.2
McuSupport 6.0.2
+ Mercurial 6.0.2
MesonProjectManager 6.0.2
+ ModelEditor 6.0.2
Nim 6.0.2
+ PerfProfiler 6.0.2
Perforce 6.0.2
+ ProjectExplorer 6.0.2
+ Python 6.0.2
+ QbsProjectManager 6.0.2
+ QmakeProjectManager 6.0.2
QmlDesigner 6.0.2
+ QmlJSEditor 6.0.2
+ QmlJSTools 6.0.2
+ QmlPreview 6.0.2
+ QmlProfiler 6.0.2
+ QmlProjectManager 6.0.2
+ Qnx 6.0.2
+ QtSupport 6.0.2
+ RemoteLinux 6.0.2
+ ResourceEditor 6.0.2
+ ScxmlEditor 6.0.2
SerialTerminal 6.0.2
SilverSearcher 6.0.2
StudioWelcome 6.0.2
+ Subversion 6.0.2
+ TaskList 6.0.2
+ TextEditor 6.0.2
Todo 6.0.2
UpdateInfo 6.0.2
+ Valgrind 6.0.2
+ VcsBase 6.0.2
WebAssembly 6.0.2
+ Welcome 6.0.2
WinRt 6.0.2
Used settingspath: /tmp/QtCreator-lmBZSU/qtc-test-settings.zGhOPZ/QtProject
Qt Creator 6.0.2
Based on Qt 6.2.2 (GCC 10.3.1 20210422 (Red Hat 10.3.1-1), 64 bit)
From revision f884ff2160
Built on Jan 18 2022 09:54:12Qt 6.2.2 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 10.2.1 20201112 (Red Hat 10.2.1-8)) on "xcb" OS: Manjaro Linux [linux version 5.15.12-1-MANJARO] Architecture: x86_64; features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX Environment: QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR="1" QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="gnome" QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE="kvantum" Features: QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS Library info: PrefixPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt DocumentationPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/doc HeadersPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/include LibrariesPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/lib LibraryExecutablesPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/libexec BinariesPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/bin PluginsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/plugins QmlImportsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/qml ArchDataPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt DataPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt TranslationsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/translations ExamplesPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/examples TestsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt/tests SettingsPath: /tmp/qtcreator-6.0.2/lib/Qt Standard paths [*...* denote writable entry]: DesktopLocation: "Desktop" */home/qtrob/Schreibtisch* DocumentsLocation: "Documents" */home/qtrob/Dokumente* FontsLocation: "Fonts" */home/qtrob/.local/share/fonts* /home/qtrob/.fonts /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/fonts /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/fonts /usr/local/share/fonts /usr/share/fonts ApplicationsLocation: "Applications" */home/qtrob/.local/share/applications* /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications /usr/local/share/applications /usr/share/applications MusicLocation: "Music" */home/qtrob/Musik* MoviesLocation: "Movies" */home/qtrob/Videos* PicturesLocation: "Pictures" */home/qtrob/Bilder* TempLocation: "Temporary Directory" */tmp* HomeLocation: "Home" */home/qtrob* AppLocalDataLocation: "Application Data" */home/qtrob/.local/share/QtProject/qtdiag* /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/local/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/QtProject/qtdiag CacheLocation: "Cache" */home/qtrob/.cache/QtProject/qtdiag* GenericDataLocation: "Shared Data" */home/qtrob/.local/share* /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share /usr/local/share /usr/share RuntimeLocation: "Runtime" */run/user/1001* ConfigLocation: "Configuration" */home/qtrob/.config* /etc/xdg DownloadLocation: "Download" */home/qtrob/Downloads* GenericCacheLocation: "Shared Cache" */home/qtrob/.cache* GenericConfigLocation: "Shared Configuration" */home/qtrob/.config* /etc/xdg AppDataLocation: "Application Configuration" */home/qtrob/.local/share/QtProject/qtdiag* /home/qtrob/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/local/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/QtProject/qtdiag AppConfigLocation: "Application Configuration" */home/qtrob/.config/QtProject/qtdiag* /etc/xdg/QtProject/qtdiag File selectors (increasing order of precedence): de_DE unix linux manjaro Network: Using "OpenSSL 1.1.1m 14 Dec 2021", version: 0x101010df Platform capabilities: ThreadedPixmaps OpenGL ThreadedOpenGL WindowMasks MultipleWindows ForeignWindows NonFullScreenWindows NativeWidgets WindowManagement SyncState RasterGLSurface SwitchableWidgetComposition Style hints: mouseDoubleClickInterval: 400 mousePressAndHoldInterval: 500 startDragDistance: 8 startDragTime: 500 startDragVelocity: 0 keyboardInputInterval: 400 keyboardAutoRepeatRate: 30 cursorFlashTime: 1200 showIsFullScreen: 0 showIsMaximized: 0 passwordMaskDelay: 0 passwordMaskCharacter: U+2022 fontSmoothingGamma: 1.7 useRtlExtensions: 0 setFocusOnTouchRelease: 0 tabFocusBehavior: Qt::TabFocusAllControls singleClickActivation: 0 Additional style hints (QPlatformIntegration): ReplayMousePressOutsidePopup: 0 Theme: Platforms requested : gtk3,gnome,generic available : gtk3,snap,flatpak,xdgdesktopportal Styles requested : Fusion,windows available : Windows,Fusion Icon theme : Papirus-Dark-Maia, from /home/qtrob/.local/share/icons,/usr/share/icons System font : "Noto Sans" 11 Native file dialog Native color dialog Native font dialog Fonts: General font : "Noto Sans" 11 Fixed font : "monospace" 11 Title font : "DejaVu LGC Sans" 12 Smallest font: "DejaVu LGC Sans" 12 Palette: QPalette::WindowText: #ff000000 QPalette::Button: #ffefefef QPalette::Light: #ffffffff QPalette::Midlight: #ffcacaca QPalette::Dark: #ff9f9f9f QPalette::Mid: #ffb8b8b8 QPalette::Text: #ff000000 QPalette::BrightText: #ffffffff QPalette::ButtonText: #ff000000 QPalette::Base: #ffffffff QPalette::Window: #ffefefef QPalette::Shadow: #ff767676 QPalette::Highlight: #ff308cc6 QPalette::HighlightedText: #ffffffff QPalette::Link: #ff0000ff QPalette::LinkVisited: #ffff00ff QPalette::AlternateBase: #fff7f7f7 QPalette::NoRole: #ff000000 QPalette::ToolTipBase: #ffffffdc QPalette::ToolTipText: #ff000000 QPalette::PlaceholderText: #80000000 Screens: 1, High DPI scaling: inactive # 0 "XWAYLAND0" Depth: 24 Primary: yes Manufacturer: Model: Serial number: Geometry: 1920x1080+0+0 Available: 1920x1048+0+32 Physical size: 600x340 mm Refresh: 59.9628 Hz Power state: 0 Physical DPI: 81.28,80.6824 Logical DPI: 96,96 Subpixel_None DevicePixelRatio: 1 Primary orientation: 2 Orientation: 2 Native orientation: 0 Input devices: 7 QInputDevice::DeviceType::Mouse "Virtual core pointer", seat: "30002" capabilities: Position Scroll Hover QInputDevice::DeviceType::Keyboard "Virtual core keyboard", seat: "30002" capabilities: QInputDevice::DeviceType::Mouse "Virtual core XTEST pointer", seat: "30002" capabilities: Position Scroll Hover QInputDevice::DeviceType::Keyboard "Virtual core XTEST keyboard", seat: "30002" capabilities: QInputDevice::DeviceType::Mouse "xwayland-pointer:17", seat: "30002" capabilities: Position Scroll Hover QInputDevice::DeviceType::TouchPad "xwayland-relative-pointer:17", seat: "30002" capabilities: MouseEmulation Scroll QInputDevice::DeviceType::Keyboard "xwayland-keyboard:17", seat: "30002" capabilities: LibGL Vendor: Intel Open Source Technology Center Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2) Version: 3.0 Mesa 21.3.2 Shading language: 1.30 Format: Version: 3.0 Profile: 0 Swap behavior: 0 Buffer size (RGB): 8,8,8 Profile: None (QOpenGLFunctions_3_0) Vulkan instance available Supported instance extensions: VK_KHR_device_group_creation, version 1 VK_KHR_display, version 23 VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities, version 1 VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities, version 1 VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities, version 1 VK_KHR_get_display_properties2, version 1 VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, version 2 VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2, version 1 VK_KHR_surface, version 25 VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities, version 1 VK_KHR_wayland_surface, version 6 VK_KHR_xcb_surface, version 6 VK_KHR_xlib_surface, version 6 VK_EXT_acquire_drm_display, version 1 VK_EXT_acquire_xlib_display, version 1 VK_EXT_debug_report, version 10 VK_EXT_direct_mode_display, version 1 VK_EXT_display_surface_counter, version 1 VK_EXT_debug_utils, version 2 Supported layers: Available physical devices: API version 1.2.195, vendor 0x8086, device 0x162, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2), type 1, driver version 21.3.2 Qt Rendering Hardware Interface supported backends: OpenGL (with default QSurfaceFormat): Driver Info: Device: Intel Open Source Technology Center Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2) 3.0 Mesa 21.3.2 Device ID: 0x0 Vendor ID: 0x0 Device type: Unknown Min Texture Size: 1 Max Texture Size: 4000 Max Color Attachments: 8 Frames in Flight: 1 Async Readback Limit: 1 MaxThreadGroupsPerDimension: 0 MaxThreadsPerThreadGroup: 0 MaxThreadGroupX: 0 MaxThreadGroupY: 0 MaxThreadGroupZ: 0 Uniform Buffer Alignment: 1 Supported MSAA sample counts: 1,2,4,8 Features: v MultisampleTexture v MultisampleRenderBuffer - DebugMarkers - Timestamps - Instancing - CustomInstanceStepRate - PrimitiveRestart v NonDynamicUniformBuffers v NonFourAlignedEffectiveIndexBufferOffset v NPOTTextureRepeat - RedOrAlpha8IsRed v ElementIndexUint - Compute v WideLines v VertexShaderPointSize - BaseVertex - BaseInstance v TriangleFanTopology v ReadBackNonUniformBuffer v ReadBackNonBaseMipLevel v TexelFetch v RenderToNonBaseMipLevel v IntAttributes v ScreenSpaceDerivatives - ReadBackAnyTextureFormat Texture formats: RGBA8 BGRA8 R8 R16 RG8 RED_OR_ALPHA8 RGBA16F RGBA32F R16F R32F D16 D32F BC1 BC2 BC3 ETC2_RGB8 ETC2_RGB8A1 ETC2_RGBA8 Vulkan: Driver Info: Device: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2) Device ID: 0x162 Vendor ID: 0x8086 Device type: Integrated Min Texture Size: 1 Max Texture Size: 4000 Max Color Attachments: 8 Frames in Flight: 2 Async Readback Limit: 2 MaxThreadGroupsPerDimension: FFFF MaxThreadsPerThreadGroup: 800 MaxThreadGroupX: 800 MaxThreadGroupY: 800 MaxThreadGroupZ: 800 Uniform Buffer Alignment: 40 Supported MSAA sample counts: 1,4,8 Features: v MultisampleTexture v MultisampleRenderBuffer - DebugMarkers v Timestamps v Instancing - CustomInstanceStepRate v PrimitiveRestart v NonDynamicUniformBuffers v NonFourAlignedEffectiveIndexBufferOffset v NPOTTextureRepeat v RedOrAlpha8IsRed v ElementIndexUint v Compute v WideLines v VertexShaderPointSize v BaseVertex v BaseInstance v TriangleFanTopology v ReadBackNonUniformBuffer v ReadBackNonBaseMipLevel v TexelFetch v RenderToNonBaseMipLevel v IntAttributes v ScreenSpaceDerivatives v ReadBackAnyTextureFormat Texture formats: RGBA8 BGRA8 R8 R16 RG8 RED_OR_ALPHA8 RGBA16F RGBA32F R16F R32F D16 D32F BC1 BC2 BC3 BC4 BC5 BC6H BC7 qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete Plugin information: + Android 6.0.2 + AutoTest 6.0.2 AutotoolsProjectManager 6.0.2 BareMetal 6.0.2 + Bazaar 6.0.2 Beautifier 6.0.2 + BinEditor 6.0.2 + Bookmarks 6.0.2 Boot2Qt 6.0.2 + CMakeProjectManager 6.0.2 + CVS 6.0.2 + ClangCodeModel 6.0.2 ClangFormat 6.0.2 + ClangTools 6.0.2 + ClassView 6.0.2 ClearCase 6.0.2 + CodePaster 6.0.2 CompilationDatabaseProjectManager 6.0.2 Conan 6.0.2 + Core 6.0.2 + CppEditor 6.0.2 Cppcheck 6.0.2 + CtfVisualizer 6.0.2 + Debugger 6.0.2 + Designer 6.0.2 + DiffEditor 6.0.2 Docker 6.0.2 EmacsKeys 6.0.2 + FakeVim 6.0.2 + GLSLEditor 6.0.2 + GenericProjectManager 6.0.2 + Git 6.0.2 HelloWorld 6.0.2 + Help 6.0.2 + ImageViewer 6.0.2 + IncrediBuild 6.0.2 Ios 6.0.2 + LanguageClient 6.0.2 + Macros 6.0.2 + Marketplace 6.0.2 McuSupport 6.0.2 + Mercurial 6.0.2 MesonProjectManager 6.0.2 + ModelEditor 6.0.2 Nim 6.0.2 + PerfProfiler 6.0.2 Perforce 6.0.2 + ProjectExplorer 6.0.2 + Python 6.0.2 + QbsProjectManager 6.0.2 + QmakeProjectManager 6.0.2 QmlDesigner 6.0.2 + QmlJSEditor 6.0.2 + QmlJSTools 6.0.2 + QmlPreview 6.0.2 + QmlProfiler 6.0.2 + QmlProjectManager 6.0.2 + Qnx 6.0.2 + QtSupport 6.0.2 + RemoteLinux 6.0.2 + ResourceEditor 6.0.2 + ScxmlEditor 6.0.2 SerialTerminal 6.0.2 SilverSearcher 6.0.2 StudioWelcome 6.0.2 + Subversion 6.0.2 + TaskList 6.0.2 + TextEditor 6.0.2 Todo 6.0.2 UpdateInfo 6.0.2 + Valgrind 6.0.2 + VcsBase 6.0.2 WebAssembly 6.0.2 + Welcome 6.0.2 WinRt 6.0.2 Used settingspath: /tmp/QtCreator-lmBZSU/qtc-test-settings.zGhOPZ/QtProject Qt Creator 6.0.2 Based on Qt 6.2.2 (GCC 10.3.1 20210422 (Red Hat 10.3.1-1), 64 bit) From revision f884ff2160 Built on Jan 18 2022 09:54:12
- Create a new Qt Quick Application project using the wizard's defaults.
- Open the QML-Profiler in Debug mode.
- Start and stop profiling the project.
There's just a white rectangle where the timeline should be. - Go to the "Flame Graph" tab.
There's just a white rectangle where the flame graph should be. - Right-click into that rectangle.
Creator crashes.
Issue Links
- is replaced by
QTBUG-100563 Invalid style override breaks Qt Quick Control applications (incl. crash)
- Closed