Resolution: Fixed
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 7.0.0
Debian bullseye with Yocto kirkstone SDK (meta-qt6 Layer, 6.2 Branch)
Our SDK built on the meta-qt6 layer (latest 6.2 branch) (Yocto master/kirkstone branch) worked fine in conjunction with QtCreator 6.0.2.
Since the update to QtCreator version 7.0.0 it is no longer possible to use the SDK. CMake always aborts with the following error:
Running /home/user/raspberry-sdk/sysroots/x86_64-sdk-linux/usr/bin/cmake -S /home/user/smartcore -B /home/user/build-smartcore-raspberry_sdk-Debug -DCMAKE_GENERATOR:STRING=Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug -DCMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE_BEFORE:FILEPATH=/home/user/qtcreator/7.0.0/share/qtcreator/package-manager/auto-setup.cmake -D -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET:STRING=aarch64-poky-linux -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_TARGET:STRING=/home/user/build-smartcore-raspberry_sdk-Debugaarch64-poky-linux -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=/home/user/raspberry-sdk/sysroots/x86_64-sdk-linux/usr/bin/aarch64-poky-linux/aarch64-poky-linux-g++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=/home/user/raspberry-sdk/sysroots/x86_64-sdk-linux/usr/bin/aarch64-poky-linux/aarch64-poky-linux-gcc -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING= -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING= -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=/home/user/raspberry-sdk/sysroots/x86_64-sdk-linux/usr/lib/cmake/Qt6/qt.toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM:FILEPATH=/home/user/raspberry-sdk/sysroots/x86_64-sdk-linux/usr/bin/ninja in %2. CMake Error: -D must be followed with VAR=VALUE. CMake Error: Run 'cmake --help' for all supported options. CMake process exited with exit code 1. Elapsed time: 00:00.
For some reason a single -D is added to the command line. Also the %2 at the end seems strange.
The installer of the SDK can be downloaded here in case it is needed for debugging:
I also added the SDK as a kit on a test basis using the following script:
./meta-boot2qt/meta-boot2qt/files/ --config ~/raspberry-sdk/environment-setup --qtcreator ~/qtcreator/7.0.0 --name raspberry-sdk
I always end up with the above error message.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTCREATORBUG-27237 Empty CMake configuration item
- Closed
For Gerrit Dashboard: QTCREATORBUG-27280 | ||||||
# | Subject | Branch | Project | Status | CR | V |
403748,2 | CMakePM: Fix CMAKE_SYSROOT parameter value | 7.0 | qt-creator/qt-creator | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |