Resolution: Invalid
P1: Critical
Qt Creator 10.0.2
ubuntu 20.04 64bit
Sorry this is a bit long winded but I think it's multiple issues manifesting from one mistake of not packaging the correct library files in the installer. This may help someone get going in the meantime.
Screenshots attached show the options selected in the Qt Installer, the various error messages and the installed SO versions.
Installed from online installer ( Selected Qt creator V10.0.2 and Qt V6.5.1.
After the install when I try to run Qt Creator it complains about not being Qt_6.5
If you symlink the correct version into that folder it then complains about an undefined symbol in
I then gave up and renamed the Tools/QtCreator/lib folder to force it to get the correct versions from the path. The correct versions were installed when I installed Qt6.5.1
(You have to export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 to your environment to diagnose the next issues.)
You then get an issue with it not finding when loading you can fix this by installing libxcb-cursor0 from apt-get.
You then get an issue with Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins/sqldrivers being version 6.4 so I had to symlink the 6.5 versions from the Qt install into the Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/plugins folder.
And then I could run QtCreator!!
All in all a bad day at the office for an online installer.