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  1. Qt Creator

File targets in Meson/Ninja project are wrong



    • d4260dab8 (11.0)


      Qt Creator built from master branch commit 27302694ab794d8437b6feac4095ad34fa43ed24.

      See the list of targets in the Build configuration:

      The targets starting with a slash are libraries built during the build process, but they shouldn't start with a slash. Trying to build them without the slash does work:

      $ /bin/ninja framework/libframework.a
      [0/22] Compiling C++ object framework/libframework_main.a.p/main.cpp.o

      But with the slash it doesn't:

      $ /bin/ninja /framework/libframework.a
      ninja: error: unknown target '/framework/libframework.a', did you mean 'framework/libframework.a'?

      This is a build of project OpenDCDiag, which uses Meson and Ninja. I don't know if the issue is related to how I set up the build dir: it's not inside the sources.

      Output of meson configure:

      Core properties:
        Source dir /home/tjmaciei/src/intel-innersource/opendcdiag
        Build dir  /home/tjmaciei/obj/opendcdiag
      Main project options:
        Core options                   Current Value                    Possible Values                  Description                                                  
        --------------                 -------------                    ---------------                  -----------                                                  
        auto_features                  auto                             [enabled, disabled, auto]        Override value of all 'auto' features                        
        backend                        ninja                            [ninja, vs, vs2010, vs2012,      Backend to use                                               
                                                                         vs2013, vs2015, vs2017, vs2019,                                                              
                                                                         vs2022, xcode, none]                                                                         
        buildtype                      debug                            [plain, debug, debugoptimized,   Build type to use                                            
                                                                         release, minsize, custom]                                                                    
        cmake_prefix_path              []                               []                               List of additional prefixes for cmake to search              
        debug                          true                             [true, false]                    Enable debug symbols and other information                   
        default_library                shared                           [shared, static, both]           Default library type                                         
        force_fallback_for             []                               []                               Force fallback for those subprojects                         
        install_umask                  0022                             [preserve, 0000-0777]            Default umask to apply on permissions of installed files     
        layout                         mirror                           [mirror, flat]                   Build directory layout                                       
        optimization                   0                                [plain, 0, g, 1, 2, 3, s]        Optimization level                                           
        pkg_config_path                []                               []                               List of additional paths for pkg-config to search            
        prefer_static                  false                            [true, false]                    Whether to try static linking before shared linking          
        strip                          false                            [true, false]                    Strip targets on install                                     
        unity                          off                              [on, off, subprojects]           Unity build                                                  
        unity_size                     4                                >=2                              Unity block size                                             
        vsenv                          false                            [true, false]                    Activate Visual Studio environment                           
        warning_level                  1                                [0, 1, 2, 3, everything]         Compiler warning level to use                                
        werror                         false                            [true, false]                    Treat warnings as errors                                     
        wrap_mode                      default                          [default, nofallback,            Wrap mode                                                    
                                                                         nodownload, forcefallback,                                                                   
        Backend options                Current Value                    Possible Values                  Description                                                  
        -----------------              -------------                    ---------------                  -----------                                                  
        backend_max_links              0                                >=0                              Maximum number of linker processes to run or 0 for no limit  
        Base options                   Current Value                    Possible Values                  Description                                                  
        --------------                 -------------                    ---------------                  -----------                                                  
        b_asneeded                     true                             [true, false]                    Use -Wl,--as-needed when linking                             
        b_colorout                     always                           [auto, always, never]            Use colored output                                           
        b_coverage                     false                            [true, false]                    Enable coverage tracking.                                    
        b_lto                          false                            [true, false]                    Use link time optimization                                   
        b_lto_threads                  0                                                                 Use multiple threads for Link Time Optimization              
        b_lundef                       true                             [true, false]                    Use -Wl,--no-undefined when linking                          
        b_ndebug                       if-release                       [true, false, if-release]        Disable asserts                                              
        b_pch                          true                             [true, false]                    Use precompiled headers                                      
        b_pgo                          off                              [off, generate, use]             Use profile guided optimization                              
        b_pie                          false                            [true, false]                    Build executables as position independent                    
        b_sanitize                     none                             [none, address, thread,          Code sanitizer to use                                        
                                                                         undefined, memory, leak,                                                                     
        b_staticpic                    true                             [true, false]                    Build static libraries as position independent               
        Compiler options               Current Value                    Possible Values                  Description                                                  
        ------------------             -------------                    ---------------                  -----------                                                  
        c_args                         []                               []                               Extra arguments passed to the c compiler                     
        c_link_args                    []                               []                               Extra arguments passed to the c linker                       
        c_std                          gnu17                            [none, c89, c99, c11, c17, c18,  C language standard to use                                   
                                                                         c2x, gnu89, gnu99, gnu11,                                                                    
                                                                         gnu17, gnu18, gnu2x]                                                                         
        cpp_args                       []                               []                               Extra arguments passed to the cpp compiler                   
        cpp_debugstl                   false                            [true, false]                    STL debug mode                                               
        cpp_eh                         default                          [none, default, a, s, sc]        C++ exception handling type.                                 
        cpp_link_args                  [-Wl,--no-pie]                   []                               Extra arguments passed to the cpp linker                     
        cpp_rtti                       true                             [true, false]                    Enable RTTI                                                  
        cpp_std                        gnu++20                          [none, c++98, c++03, c++11,      C++ language standard to use                                 
                                                                         c++14, c++17, c++1z, c++2a,                                                                  
                                                                         c++20, gnu++03, gnu++11,                                                                     
                                                                         gnu++14, gnu++17, gnu++1z,                                                                   
                                                                         gnu++2a, gnu++20]                                                                            
        Directories                    Current Value                    Possible Values                  Description                                                  
        -------------                  -------------                    ---------------                  -----------                                                  
        bindir                         bin                                                               Executable directory                                         
        datadir                        share                                                             Data file directory                                          
        includedir                     include                                                           Header file directory                                        
        infodir                        share/info                                                        Info page directory                                          
        libdir                         lib64                                                             Library directory                                            
        libexecdir                     libexec                                                           Library executable directory                                 
        licensedir                                                                                       Licenses directory                                           
        localedir                      share/locale                                                      Locale data directory                                        
        localstatedir                  /var/local                                                        Localstate data directory                                    
        mandir                         share/man                                                         Manual page directory                                        
        prefix                         /usr/local                                                        Installation prefix                                          
        sbindir                        sbin                                                              System executable directory                                  
        sharedstatedir                 /var/local/lib                                                    Architecture-independent data directory                      
        sysconfdir                     etc                                                               Sysconf data directory                                       
        Testing options                Current Value                    Possible Values                  Description                                                  
        -----------------              -------------                    ---------------                  -----------                                                  
        errorlogs                      true                             [true, false]                    Whether to print the logs from failing tests                 
        stdsplit                       true                             [true, false]                    Split stdout and stderr in test logs                         
        Project options                Current Value                    Possible Values                  Description                                                  
        -----------------              -------------                    ---------------                  -----------                                                  
        builtin_test_list                                                                                List of name-file pairs that specify the built-in test lists 
                                                                                                         to be embedded into the binary, e.g.                         
        dependency_link                dynamic                          [dynamic, static]                Link preference for dependencies: dynamic (default) or static
        docdir                         doc/dcdiag                                                        Directory name of where documentation will be installed.     
        executable_name                opendcdiag                                                        Output name of the main binary (default "opendcdiag").       
        fallback_exec                                                                                    Executable to run if processor does not support required     
                                                                                                         features (e.g. AVX2)                                         
        flavor                         default                          [default, ga, ga-dev]            Select one of the novel build flavors (ga, ga-dev) or the    
        framework_options              []                               []                               Configuration options for the framework. Possible options:   
                                                                                                         restricted-cmdline, no-child-backtrace                       
        logging_format                 yaml                             [yaml, tap, none]                Set build-time default logging format to "none", "yaml"      
                                                                                                         (default), or "tap".                                         
        march_base                                                                                       Build framework with this base optimization -march= value    
                                                                                                         (default: "haswell").                                        
        selftests                      true                             [true, false]                    Build in selftests (default true)                            
        ssl_link_type                  none                             [none, dynamic, loaded, static]  Link with openssl library if available (default none).       
        static_libstdcpp               false                            [true, false]                    Link with -static-libstdc++ (default false).                 
        version_suffix                                                                                   Suffix to be added to the version number (e.g., build        


        For Gerrit Dashboard: QTCREATORBUG-29349
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            ajeandet Alexis Jeandet
            thiago Thiago Macieira
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