I had Qt Creator 9.0.1 installed.
I installed the 11.0.1 update via the following procedure:
1. Clicked "updates available" at bottom of Qt Creator
2. Closed Qt Creator after installer started
3. Chose "Update Components" in installer
4. Proceeded with the installation
But the update did not seem to be installed even though the installer appeared to work fine:
- Qt Creator 9.0.1 is still in the start menu.
- Starting it starts 9.0.1.
- There is no Qt Creator 11.0.1 in the start menu.
- I am unable to determine where it installed 11.0.1.
What I expected was Qt Creator 9.0.1 to be replaced by 11.0.1.
So I can't seem to update Qt Creator.
I had this same issue when upgrading to Qt Creator 10 a while back but I did not report it.