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  1. Qt Creator

QTcreator debugging does not work (fail to attach...)



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Not Evaluated
    • Qt Creator 11.0.3
    • Qt Creator 11.0.1
    • Debugger
    • None
    • Linux/X11
    • d2acb8049 (11.0)


      Archlinux, current version https://www.archlinux.de/packages/extra/x86_64/qtcreator (see info below)

      First: I use the IDE for C++ Terminal programs without QT

      Since several weeks with qtcreator 11.x (think it already started with 10.x):

      debugging with QTCreator fails in the way that the executable is not started (only a empty terminal window opens), seems the debugger fails to start / attach with the executable, there are error messages I will attach. Breakpoints are not reached (as the debugger is not running). Searching for the debugger executable e.g. with htop, its not in the list of running programs/threads.

      Note: the same code compiles fine, executes without debugger, compiled with a different IDE, e.g. codelite compiles as well and also debugging works 100% fine! So its not a Toolchain problem in first place.


      PS: qtcreator states that there is a debugger log file, but I am unable to find one, so I paste n copy you the Output of the IDE


      Please also note: Archlinux already uses qt6, and parts of qt5 like qt5-base are only installed to build older peaces of SW depending on that. So I reconfigured my kits in qtcreator to use qmake6. But that not resolved the Problem with the debugger. As you see in the debugger logs, it also still searches for qt5 directories which do not exist (any more). So neither qt5 nor qt6 qmake work (at least it changes nothing with the debugger problem)


      Please also note, I use QtCreator on 2 Linux Machines and 3 VM's - all Archlinux and all show the same behaviour when updating to the same version. So it should at least be reproduceable (while I have not tested if a fresh install is the same...).

      pacman -Qi qtcreator
      Name                     : qtcreator
      Version                  : 11.0.1-1
      Beschreibung             : Lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment
      Architektur              : x86_64
      URL                      : https://www.qt.io
      Lizenzen                 : GPL3
      Gruppen                  : Nichts
      Stellt bereit            : Nichts
      Hängt ab von             : qt6-tools  qt6-svg  qt6-quick3d  qt6-webengine  qt6-serialport  qt6-shadertools  qt6-5compat  clang=15.0.7  clazy  yaml-cpp
      Optionale Abhängigkeiten : qt6-doc: integrated Qt documentation
                                qt6-examples: welcome page examples
                                gdb: debugger [Installiert]
                                cmake: cmake project support [Installiert]
                                x11-ssh-askpass: ssh support
                                git: git support [Installiert]
                                mercurial: mercurial support [Installiert]
                                bzr: bazaar support [Installiert]
                                valgrind: analyze support [Installiert]
                                perf: performer analyzer [Installiert]
                                mlocate: locator filter [Installiert]
      Benötigt von             : Nichts
      Optional für             : Nichts
      In Konflikt mit          : Nichts
      Ersetzt                  : Nichts
      Installationsgröße       : 114,61 MiB
      Packer                   : Antonio Rojas <arojas@archlinux.org>
      Erstellt am              : 2023-08-03T19:57:57 CEST
      Installiert am           : 2023-08-05T19:08:10 CEST
      Installationsgrund       : Ausdrücklich installiert
      Installations-Skript     : Nein
      Verifiziert durch        : Signatur



        1. debuggers.xml
          2 kB
        2. ggb.log
          26 kB
        3. lldb.log
          24 kB
        4. screenshot-1.png
          917 kB
        5. screenshot-2.png
          277 kB
        6. toolchains.xml
          6 kB
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