Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
Qt Creator 13.0.0-beta1
I'm reading and learning the qt-creator cmake build system. and I try to comment out all subdirectory except the winpty under the libs/3rdparty. and I tried to build it and failed:
CMake Error: Files to be generated by multiple different commands: "D:/Users/yin_c/Documents/build-qt-creator-Desktop_Qt_6_6_0_MinGW_64_bit-Debug/src/libs/3rdparty/winpty/src/empty_pch.c"
I don’t know if I should first check whether empty_pch.c and empty_pch.cpp already exist.
if (MSVC) add_compile_definitions(NOMINMAX UNICODE _UNICODE) endif() file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ [=[ const char GenVersion_Version[] = "@VERSION@"; const char GenVersion_Commit[] = "@COMMIT_HASH@"; ]=]) file(READ ../VERSION.txt VERSION) string(REPLACE "\n" "" VERSION "${VERSION}") configure_file(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/GenVersion.h @ONLY) set(shared_sources shared/AgentMsg.h shared/BackgroundDesktop.h shared/ shared/Buffer.h shared/ shared/DebugClient.h shared/ shared/GenRandom.h shared/ shared/OsModule.h shared/OwnedHandle.h shared/ shared/StringBuilder.h shared/ shared/StringUtil.h shared/UnixCtrlChars.h shared/ shared/WindowsSecurity.h shared/WindowsVersion.h shared/ shared/WinptyAssert.h shared/ shared/WinptyException.h shared/ shared/WinptyVersion.h shared/ shared/winpty_snprintf.h ) # # winpty-agent # #add_qtc_executable(winpty-agent # INCLUDES # include ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} # DEFINES WINPTY_AGENT_ASSERT # PROPERTIES QT_COMPILE_OPTIONS_DISABLE_WARNINGS ON # SOURCES # agent/Agent.h # agent/ # agent/AgentCreateDesktop.h # agent/ # agent/ # agent/ConsoleFont.h # agent/ # agent/ConsoleInput.h # agent/ # agent/ConsoleInputReencoding.h # agent/ # agent/ConsoleLine.h # agent/Coord.h # agent/DebugShowInput.h # agent/ # agent/DefaultInputMap.h # agent/ # agent/DsrSender.h # agent/EventLoop.h # agent/ # agent/InputMap.h # agent/ # agent/LargeConsoleRead.h # agent/ # agent/NamedPipe.h # agent/ # agent/Scraper.h # agent/ # agent/SimplePool.h # agent/SmallRect.h # agent/Terminal.h # agent/ # agent/UnicodeEncoding.h # agent/ # agent/Win32Console.h # agent/ # agent/Win32ConsoleBuffer.h # agent/ # ${shared_sources} #) # # libwinpty # add_qtc_library(winpty STATIC INCLUDES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} PUBLIC_DEFINES COMPILING_WINPTY_DLL PROPERTIES QT_COMPILE_OPTIONS_DISABLE_WARNINGS ON SOURCES libwinpty/ libwinpty/AgentLocation.h libwinpty/ ${shared_sources} ) target_include_directories(winpty PUBLIC $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include>)
If I comment out add_qtc_executable or add_qtc_library and leave only one of them, there will be no problem.