Resolution: Invalid
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Qt Creator 2.1.0-beta1
I'm trying qt-creator 2.1.0-beta1 on Ubuntu Linux 10.10 as a regular user (not root), via this installer: qt-creator-linux-x86-opensource-2.1.0-beta1.bin
When I start qt-creator, in the welcome screen, under Examples, I see three combo boxes that should list examples. The first one ("Explore Qt C++ Examples") works, but the "Explore Qt Quick examples" combo box is grayed out while showing "Choose an Example...".
There's also a "Explore Qt C++ mobile examples" combo box that is also grayed out, though it shows "Examples Not Installed".
When using the latest snapshot ( qtcreator-linux-x86-opensource-2.0.94-201011050106-setup.bin ), the third combo box is gone and the "Explore Qt Quick examples" combo is still grayed out, this time showing "Examples Not Installed...". The attached screenshot shows that.