Resolution: Duplicate
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 13.0.0-beta2
Qt Creator crashes during search especially when going to first/last item
- Install and open Qt Creator 13 beta2-66
- Go to Help and select Index in the combo box
- Search for some qml type or function, for e.g. qsTr
- From the dialog select one of the Qt version shown (6.6.2 in my case)
- Observe that Qt QML Type page is opened, but the editor does not jump to qsTr() function documentation. It stays on the top
- Now click on the Qt QML Type page in the editor, and click 'Ctrl+F'
- Type 'qsTr' in the Find box and click on 'Find Next' button
- After being on first search result, click on 'Find Previous' .
- Observe that Qt Creator crashes
- Search for 'windowOpacity' from Help tab.
- Click on the QWidget page and press 'Ctrl+F' to start a new search.
- Keep clicking on 'Find Next' or 'Find Previous'.
- Observe that Qt Creator crashes.
- Not able to deduce pattern, since the crash is not after first/last search result
- Qt Creator crashes when clicked on 'Find Next' after being on last search result in the page
- Qt Creator crashes when clicked on 'Find Previous' after being on first search result in the page
- Crash is also observed when trying to search QWidget property even though not being on first/last search result.
- Qt Creator should not crash
- Qt Creator should show results in circular manner.
ie, it should jump to first search result when the last matching text is reached in the page, and vice versa