I'm having a weird issue with the C++ code editor when I collapse / expand code.
It is hard to explain but easy to see.
With the attached code, just do the following:
- Open it in QtCreator
- Add a `return 0;` in `foo` after `std::cout`
- Collapse the function `foo`
- Add a new line in the bar function
After this you should be in the same state as I am in this screenshot:
As you can see the foo function as partially reappeared, the cursor is after the bar function even if I have effectively added a new line inside the bar function and it has collapsed even though I didn't ask it to do so. I have also included another screenshot that shows the complete expanded code after edition for reference.
Also you should note that this happen only if you do an edit in a block that is above the next edit that you will do after you have collapsed said block. In other word, in my example if I edit `bar`, then collapse it and finally edit `foo`, nothing unexpected will happen.