Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
Qt Creator 14.0.2, Qt Creator 15.0.0-beta1
Qt for Android 6.5.7 arm64-v8a
Starting applications deployed to Android 7 and 8 are failing starting with errors. It seems for different reasons on each version, on some of them it's failing to run the following commands (see qt-creator-14.0.2-failed-commands-android-7-8-app.mp4)
adb shell art ...
// and
adb shell pm compile ...
The logcat shows some help text that the compile or art commands are not found.
For Android 6, the starting is not working, logcat works, it seems that am start command fails and Qt Creator waits for ps with no success, however, then manually starting the app from the device allows Creator to find the pid and bring the logs (see qt-creator-14.0.2-fail-start-android-6-app.mp4)
Also, manually testing ps command, I'm seeing that the command:
adb shell ps -o user -p <pid>
Might fail complaining about bad args on Android 7, or print no data apart from the headers on Android 6.
The apps are deployed and installed normally from the logs and they are present on device.