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  1. Qt Creator

[Reg 14->15] Debugging on Android device fails to start most of the time



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • Qt Creator 15.0.0-beta2
    • Android Support
    • None
    • 9a550346d (15.0)


      Samsung S22 / Android 14 device. Android setup in Qt Creator as created by QtC 15. Dummy Qt Widgets Application.

      Most of the time when trying to debug on the device, startup of the debugger fails with

      >bridgemessage={msg="CONNECT: error: Connection shut down by remote side while waiting for reply to initial handshake packet adb://R3CTB0R6H5F:5039 platform: remote-android False"}
      >success="0",error={type="1",status="Connection shut down by remote side while waiting for reply to initial handshake packet",code="4294967295",desc="error: Connection shut down by remote side while waiting for reply to initial handshake packet"}@

      log attached.

      When I created the bug report I was in the situation that stopped working at all.

      Today, the first time debugging on device after Qt Creator startup works.
      When debugging until the application runs and then stopping the application via the device, debugging works the next time too.
      But after using the "Stop Debugger" button in Qt Creator, any later debugging attempts fail with the above message.
      Also, after that, when closing Qt Creator a message appears "A debugging session is still in progress. Terminating the session in the current state can leave the target in an inconsistent state. Would you still like to terminate it?" even though there is no apparent debugging session in progress (the menus, debugging perspective etc all looks as if nothing is running).


        1. debuggerlog.txt
          78 kB
          Eike Ziller

        Issue Links

          For Gerrit Dashboard: QTCREATORBUG-31956
          # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



              jkobus Jarek Kobus
              con Eike Ziller
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