Resolution: Unresolved
P3: Somewhat important
Qt Creator 15.0.0-rc1
When new users set up Qt Creator for the first time and build an example, the default build example location is one folder above the src location of the example. This isn't ideal for Windows users for a few reasons, such as path length, and for developers on any platform who don't want to pollute their local repo folder with build folders when checking out repos.
it could be solved in a couple of ways, could do a couple of things, such as
- adding a popup on the first QC run to suggest a default build folder. eg D:/build/%{ActiveProject:Name}%{Asciify:%
- note we could probably shorten that path somewhat as it alone for the xrfreeformteleport example is D:\build\xr_freeformteleportationDesktop_Qt_6_9_0_llvm_mingw_64_bit-Debug