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Welcome mode evolution




      Current status 

      1. The topmost mode is called “welcome”, which gives a false impression of being useful only during onboarding / first time use scenarios.
      2. The Academy content is static, no new courses are visible if they are released after the feature freeze of Qt Creator.
      3. There are no demonstrations in the home content (mainly on account of the quality of the demos - they are not up to the standard of the examples, with full documentation and validated to work in new releases).
      4. The learning content from Academy is available only to users who authenticate using Qt Account. The non-Academy content is low in volume and contains very old items.
      5. The marketplace tab presents old content (most recent updates are already more than two years old) that must be consumed outside of Qt Creator. The presence of the marketplace is likely to confuse the users.

      What is the benefit? Why is this valuable?

      1. The role and use of the mode is clearer.
      2. Users can access new and updated Academy content.
      3. Users can access and build demonstrations. (This may happen in a later release, since the demonstrations are not in a good shape right now.)
      4. Users who do not authenticate with Qt Account are not discriminated against. There’s a wider selection of learning materials available.
      5. Elimination of marketplace eliminates the possibilty of confusion.

      Technical information

      1. Icon already corresponds to “home”, so only the name needs to be changed.  This has a dependency on mode names in disabling them (and the names cannot have aliases).
      2. Qt Creator shall retrieve an up to date list of Academy content and present them in descending publishing order. Additionally, Qt Creator shall allow the user to toggle between alphabetic and chronological order as the sorting mechanism. Optionally, Qt Creator shall cache the list of Academy content items and present them if the API is not reachable (however, browser is responsible for displaying errors in accessing). Also: evaluate whether it makes sense to rename the learning categories. The API documentation is available from the vendor: https://docs.learnupon.com/api/#learnupon-api-guide 
        -> shim API did not make it in version 16, pivot to fronting modern content statically. 
      3. Rules of engagement are established how demonstrations are to be produced, shown in the tools and especially who is responsible for their maintenance going forward.
      4. Preserve the current mechanism of delivering learning content (xml-based inventory). Triage the existing content and establish a process to acquire new items.
      5. Marketplace tab shall be deleted.

      Acceptance criteria 

      1. Qt Creator no longer utilizes the name "welcome" anywhere visible in the tool, documentation or actively maintained web pages.
      2. Qt Creator displays the most recent Academy courses.  Qt Creator allows the user to select the sorting criterion for Academy content. (Qt Creator shall display cached content if there is no network connectivity.)
      3. If rules of engagement have been accepted, and the ownership/responsibility model of demonstrations is agreed upon: Qt Creator presents a link to public github repository where demos are available. If not: Qt Creator presents no demonstration content.
      4. There more than X learning items available from non-Academy sources.
      5. Marketplace tab is no longer accessible.


      1. No dependencies
      2. Academy, including the API to access the content, preferably without requiring authentication to retrieve the list of the courses.
      3. Agreement on rules of engagement with demo PM, demo team and other stakeholders.
      4. Availability of content.
      5. Strategic decision that it is all right to delete the marketplace tab from Qt Creator.


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