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  1. Qt Creator

CMake/CMakePresets for remote running



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • Qt Creator 15.0.0
    • Remote Linux
    • Qt Creator 15.0.0 In Ubuntu 24.0.

    • All


      I want to smooth the workflow when deploying/running an application in a remote Linux device using Qt Creator and CMake.

      If I add CMake presets to my project  Qt Creator creates a kit for each `configure` preset.

      For example, I have a preset for cross-building an application. I need to set manually on the Qt Creator kit that this project runs in a `Remote Linux Device`.  It will be nice to be able to set this from the preset so one can set

      "toolchainFile": "toolchain.cmake",
                  "condition": {
                      "type": "equals",
                      "lhs": "${hostSystemName}",
                      "rhs": "Linux"
                  "vendor": {
                      "qt.io/QtCreator/1.0": {

      {                         "DisplayName": "gdb-multiarch",                         "Binary": "/usr/bin/gdb-multiarch"                     }

                         "runDeviceType": "remoteLinux"

      So Qt creator will use the default device for "Remote Linux".

      Then Qt creator should show the different applications one can run on the left-bottom. By selecting the app and pressing run, Qt creator should deploy all the files defined by CMake Install command of the project(if is a CMake Project) to the remote filesystem by default.
      By the presets/CMake, Qt creator can get the `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` to use on the remote file system.

      The current behavior is that no file is deployed by default.
      If I add a deploy step `CMake Install` with arguments `--component  runtime --prefix install` it will install on the host file system(even when the kit is set to run on a remote device). Then I need to add a deploy step to copy the install directory to the remote file system but this is not working for me.

      The only approach working is to use the`Override deployment data from build system` and set the files and the path by hand. This copies the files to the remote filesystem. I did not try the `Custom Process Step` copying the files with a command.

      In the case of the run configuration on the remote Linux device, I need to set the `Alternate executable on the device` to run the app on the remote device.
      If I set to run `application1` on Qt Creator and Qt Creator knows where it was deployed by using the suggestion of the `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` then `Alternate executable on the device` configuration should not be needed.

      Please take all this as a suggestion, I understand this is complicated, and Qt Creator is trying to be as general as possible.


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