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Qt Creator 15.0.0
- Independant of the platform, QtCreator runs (Windows, Linx, MacOS)
- Independant of the QT-version
- Independant of the C/C++ compiler (gcc, mingw, clang, MSVC)
Add the option to show parameter hints for arguments of C++ function and methods.
I.e. show the parameter names from function / method declaration while calling the function in the editor.
E.g. funtion declaration:
<ret_type> foo(type1 arg1, ...);
In the editor, when the function is called, one would write e.g.:
<ret_type> res = foo(var1, ...);
With parameter hints, the editor will show:
<ret_type> res = foo(arg1: var1, ...);
Notice the arg1: infront of the parameter var1
It is good to make this functionallity optional, since there may be programmers feeling the screen be "cluttered".
A good description is available from JetBrains for their IDEs:
In a essence it mimics "named" parameters for C/C++.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTCREATORBUG-26970 Support clangd's "inlay hints"
- Reported