Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
Qt Creator 2.2.0
Qt Components use import "." 1.0 inside e.g. Button.qml (instead of an explicit 'import com.meego 1.0' or 'import 1.0'). This is done to support the so called native components and there for keep the components uri agnostic:
import Qt 4.7 import "." 1.0 // defines ImplicitSizeItem ImplicitSizeItem { // ... }
However, it seems the Qt Creator metatype system cannot resolve import "." in this case: Button is not derived from SDeclarativeImplicitSizeItem/QDeclarativeItem anymore and therefore has no e.g. width/height property.
Also, since the Qt Quick Designer relies on the meta system of the text editor, the designer cannot work properly with Button and will complain that (e.g.) Button has no height property.
How to reproduce
import QtQuick 1.0 import 1.0 Rectangle { height: 360 visible: true Button { width: 200 height: 200 text: "Okay" checked: false } }
- width, height properties are underlined in text editor
- Open the file in Quick Designer fails because of width, height being unknown properties