Steps to reproduce:
- Create mixed QML/C++ , set BP on empty line in main.cpp
- Run into breakpoint: Debugger stops, state is not set correctly (all icons disabled)
Note: Seems to be related to startup situation, see attached (debug.log).
Reproduced with CDB, g++, Linux, windows.
Debugging cannot be done when setting a breakpoint directly on the main().
This only happens when the QML debugging is enabled.
The buttons (and also the menu items) for "step over", "step in" and so on aren't enabled, so debugger seems to hang
Actually I only can use a work-around for that:
1. on the Application Output: attach debugger to this process
2. now you can press either "step in" or "step over" (no matter which one) - then this process seems to hang too
3. now go to Menubar->Debug->Abort Debugging and "normal" debugging should work
CDB debugger output:
sStarting debugger 'QmlCppEngine' for ABI 'x86-windows-msvc2010-pe-32bit'... dStart parameters: 'damn' mode: 1 dABI: x86-windows-msvc2010-pe-32bit dExecutable: C:\Testing\Tutorials\damn-build-desktop-Qt_aus_PATH_Debug\debug\damn.exe "-qmljsdebugger=port:3768,block" dDirectory: C:\Testing\Tutorials\damn-build-desktop-Qt_aus_PATH_Debug dDebugger: C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools For Windows (x64)\cdb.exe dProject: C:\Testing\Tutorials\damn (built: C:\Testing\Tutorials\damn-build-desktop-Qt_aus_PATH_Debug) dQt: C:\repos\qt dQML server: d dDebugger settings: dUseAlternatingRowColours: false (default: false) dFontSizeFollowsEditor: false (default: false) dUseMessageBoxForSignals: true (default: true) dAutoQuit: false (default: false) dLogTimeStamps: false (default: false) dVerboseLog: false (default: false) dCloseBuffersOnExit: false (default: false) dSwitchModeOnExit: false (default: false) dUseDebuggingHelper: true (default: true) dUseCodeModel: true (default: true) dShowThreadNames: false (default: false) dUseToolTips: true (default: false) *** dUseToolTipsInLocalsView: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: true (default: false) *** dUseAddressInBreakpointsView: false (default: false) dUseAddressInStackView: false (default: false) dRegisterForPostMortem: false (default: false) dLoadGdbInit: true (default: true) dScriptFile: (default: ) dWatchdogTimeout: 20 (default: 20) dTargetAsync: false (default: false) dMaximalStackDepth: 20 (default: 20) dAlwaysAdjustStackColumnWidths: false (default: false) dShowStandardNamespace: true (default: true) dShowQtNamespace: true (default: true) dSortStructMembers: true (default: true) dAutoDerefPointers: true (default: true) dAlwaysAdjustLocalsColumnWidths: false (default: false) dListSourceFiles: false (default: false) dSkipKnownFrames: false (default: false) dEnableReverseDebugging: false (default: false) dAllPluginBreakpoints: true (default: true) dSelectedPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dAdjustBreakpointLocations: true (default: true) dAlwaysAdjustBreakpointsColumnWidths: false (default: false) dNoPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dSelectedPluginBreakpointsPattern: .* (default: .*) dBreakOnThrow: false (default: false) dBreakOnCatch: false (default: false) dBreakOnWarning: false (default: false) dAlwaysAdjustRegistersColumnWidths: false (default: false) dAlwaysAdjustSnapshotsColumnWidths: false (default: false) dAlwaysAdjustThreadsColumnWidths: false (default: false) dAlwaysAdjustModulesColumnWidths: false (default: false) dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1). dQUEUE: SETUP ENGINE dCALL: SETUP ENGINE dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1). dQUEUE: SETUP ENGINE dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1). dQUEUE: SETUP ENGINE dCALL: SETUP ENGINE dNOTE: ENGINE SETUP OK dState changed from EngineSetupRequested(1) to EngineSetupOk(3). dQUEUE: SETUP INFERIOR dCALL: SETUP ENGINE Launching C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools For Windows (x64)\cdb.exe -aqtcreatorcdbext.dll -lines -G -c .idle_cmd !qtcreatorcdbext.idle -y symsrv*symsrv.dll*C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\Temp\symbolcache* C:\Testing\Tutorials\damn-build-desktop-Qt_aus_PATH_Debug\debug\damn.exe "-qmljsdebugger=port:3768,block" using C:\Testing\Qt\qtcreator-2.2.81\lib\qtcreatorcdbext64\qtcreatorcdbext.dll of 29.06.2011 09:56:58. C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools For Windows (x64)\cdb.exe running as 4160 Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. CommandLine: C:\Testing\Tutorials\damn-build-desktop-Qt_aus_PATH_Debug\debug\damn.exe "-qmljsdebugger=port:3768,block" Symbol search path is: symsrv*symsrv.dll*C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\Temp\symbolcache* Executable search path is: ModLoad: 00000000`00c20000 00000000`00c8e000 damn.exe ModLoad: 00000000`77c20000 00000000`77dc9000 ntdll.dll ModLoad: 00000000`77e00000 00000000`77f80000 ntdll32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`74400000 00000000`7443f000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wow64.dll ModLoad: 00000000`743a0000 00000000`743fc000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wow64win.dll ModLoad: 00000000`74390000 00000000`74398000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wow64cpu.dll (f54.1390): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance) ntdll!LdrpDoDebuggerBreak+0x30: 00000000`77cccb60 cc int 3 cdb: Reading initial command '.idle_cmd !qtcreatorcdbext.idle' Execute when idle: !qtcreatorcdbext.idle 0:000> <l+t <l+s dNOTE: ENGINE SETUP OK dState changed from EngineSetupRequested(1) to EngineSetupOk(3). dNOTE: ENGINE SETUP OK dState changed from EngineSetupRequested(1) to EngineSetupOk(3). dQUEUE: SETUP INFERIOR dState changed from EngineSetupOk(3) to InferiorSetupRequested(4). dQUEUE: SETUP INFERIOR dQUEUE: SETUP INFERIOR dCALL: SETUP INFERIOR dState changed from EngineSetupOk(3) to InferiorSetupRequested(4). dQUEUE: SETUP INFERIOR dState changed from EngineSetupOk(3) to InferiorSetupRequested(4). dQUEUE: SETUP INFERIOR dCALL: SETUP INFERIOR dNOTE: INFERIOR SETUP OK dState changed from InferiorSetupRequested(4) to InferiorSetupOk(6). dCALL: SETUP INFERIOR <bu3 `damn!C:\Testing\Tutorials\damn\main.cpp:6` <!qtcreatorcdbext.breakpoints -t 0 -v <sxn 0x4000001f <.asm source_line <! -t 1 dATTEMPT SYNC dJSDebugger sending BREAKPOINTS [] Source options are 1: 1/t - Step/trace by source line Source options are 5: 1/t - Step/trace by source line 4/s - List source code at prompt Obtained breakpoint 0x18d624 (#3), at 0xc21125, module: 'damn' All breakpoints have been resolved. Assembly options: source_line Qt Creator CDB extension version 0.1 64 bit built Jun 29 2011. dTaking notice of pid 3924 dNOTE: INFERIOR SETUP OK dState changed from InferiorSetupRequested(4) to InferiorSetupOk(6). dNOTE: INFERIOR SETUP OK dState changed from InferiorSetupRequested(4) to InferiorSetupOk(6). dState changed from InferiorSetupOk(6) to EngineRunRequested(7). dQUEUE: RUN ENGINE dCALL: RUN ENGINE dState changed from InferiorSetupOk(6) to EngineRunRequested(7). dQUEUE: RUN ENGINE dState changed from InferiorSetupOk(6) to EngineRunRequested(7). dQUEUE: RUN ENGINE dCALL: RUN ENGINE dCALL: RUN ENGINE <g dNOTE: ENGINE RUN AND INFERIOR RUN OK dState changed from EngineRunRequested(7) to InferiorRunOk(11). ModLoad: 00000000`77a00000 00000000`77b1f000 WOW64_IMAGE_SECTION ModLoad: 00000000`76300000 00000000`76410000 WOW64_IMAGE_SECTION ModLoad: 00000000`77a00000 00000000`77b1f000 NOT_AN_IMAGE ModLoad: 00000000`77b20000 00000000`77c1a000 NOT_AN_IMAGE ModLoad: 00000000`76300000 00000000`76410000 C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`77270000 00000000`772b6000 C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll ModLoad: 00000000`61930000 00000000`61e02000 C:\repos\qt\lib\QtDeclaratived4.dll ModLoad: 00000000`61690000 00000000`61924000 C:\repos\qt\lib\QtScriptd4.dll ModLoad: 00000000`752d0000 00000000`75302000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WINMM.dll ModLoad: 00000000`77690000 00000000`7773c000 C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll ModLoad: 00000000`770f0000 00000000`771f0000 C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`761c0000 00000000`76250000 C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75b60000 00000000`75b6a000 C:\Windows\syswow64\LPK.dll ModLoad: 00000000`777a0000 00000000`7783d000 C:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75ab0000 00000000`75b50000 C:\Windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75f10000 00000000`75f29000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll ModLoad: 00000000`759c0000 00000000`75ab0000 C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75960000 00000000`759c0000 C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75950000 00000000`7595c000 C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll ModLoad: 00000000`61290000 00000000`61681000 C:\repos\qt\lib\QtCored4.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75f90000 00000000`760ec000 C:\Windows\syswow64\ole32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75d20000 00000000`75d55000 C:\Windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75b50000 00000000`75b56000 C:\Windows\syswow64\NSI.dll ModLoad: 00000000`64580000 00000000`64637000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSVCP100D.dll ModLoad: 00000000`62e00000 00000000`62f72000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSVCR100D.dll ModLoad: 00000000`64520000 00000000`64576000 C:\repos\qt\lib\QtSqld4.dll ModLoad: 00000000`60cf0000 00000000`61290000 C:\repos\qt\lib\QtXmlPatternsd4.dll ModLoad: 00000000`60b80000 00000000`60cea000 C:\repos\qt\lib\QtNetworkd4.dll ModLoad: 00000000`5c950000 00000000`5d72e000 C:\repos\qt\lib\QtGuid4.dll ModLoad: 00000000`771f0000 00000000`7726b000 C:\Windows\syswow64\COMDLG32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`76250000 00000000`762a7000 C:\Windows\syswow64\SHLWAPI.dll ModLoad: 00000000`755e0000 00000000`7577e000 C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`764a0000 00000000`770ea000 C:\Windows\syswow64\SHELL32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`75e80000 00000000`75f0f000 C:\Windows\syswow64\OLEAUT32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`77740000 00000000`777a0000 C:\Windows\syswow64\IMM32.dll ModLoad: 00000000`760f0000 00000000`761bc000 C:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll ModLoad: 00000000`742e0000 00000000`74331000 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WINSPOOL.DRV (f54.1390): WOW64 breakpoint - code 4000001f (first chance) s sException at 0x77ea0f3b, code: 0x4000001f: Win32 x86 emulation subsystem breakpoint hit, flags=0x0 in ntdll32!LdrpDoDebuggerBreak Breakpoint 3 hit > 6: QApplication app(argc, argv); damn!main+0x25: 6 00c21125 6804070400 push 40704h sStopped at breakpoint 3 (3) in thread 0. dNOTE: INFERIOR SPONTANEOUS STOP dState changed from InferiorRunOk(11) to InferiorStopOk(14). <!qtcreatorcdbext.locals -t 2 -D -c -W 0
Issue Links
- relates to
QTCREATORBUG-5400 There is no "continue" button when debugging stop at "main.cpp"
- Closed
QTCREATORBUG-5407 Strange activities of debugger when debugging Qt Quick application
- Closed