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  1. Qt Creator

Qt Creator + Qt 4.7.3 on Mac OS 10.6 - always builds x86_64, but I only want 32 bit



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • Qt Creator 2.2.1
    • None
    • Mac OS 10.6.8 with the latest Qt Creator (2.2.1) and Qt 4.7.3 installed from the Online Installer. Xcode 3.2.6 is installed.


      When I compile my app that uses some 3rd party libraries built for x86 and PPC in Qt Creator, I get "missing required architecture x86_64 in file...." errors. So obviously it is compiling for 64 bits - which I don't need. The compile output window indicates "-arch x86_64 -Xarch_x86_64".

      In my .pro file I have:
      Qt Code:
      CONFIG -=x86_64
      CONFIG +=x86 ppc

      Which I understand will tell the compiler to not build for 64 bits.

      Here is some output from the compile window, which seems to prove the compiler is being directed to make a 64 bit version:

      g++ -c -pipe -O2 -arch x86_64 -Xarch_x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -arch ppc -arch i386 -Wall -W -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk -DNDEBUG -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I../../../QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/473/gcc/mkspecs/macx-g++ -I../

      I see there are multiple -arch parameters there. So where are the "-arch x86_64 -Xarch_x86_64" coming from?

      I've also tried with just:
      CONFIG +=x86 ppc

      When I look at the "Build Settings" for my project I notice:
      "Qt version" is "Desktop Qt 4.7.3 for GCC (Qt SDK)" and is grayed out.
      "Tool chain" is "GCC (x86 64bit)" and also grayed out.

      The Qt version tool tip shows:
      ABI: x86-macos-generic-mach_o-32bit
      ABI: ppc-macos-generic-mach_o-32bit

      On the Tool Chains panel it shows:
      Auto-Detected Auto-Detected
      GCC (x86 64bit) GCC
      GCC (x86 32bit) GCC
      GCC (ppc 64bit) GCC
      GCC (ppc 32bit) GCC
      Manual Manual

      This issue also happens with the sample apps, so it isn't something unique to my .pro file.

      I have Xcode 3.2.6 installed and it will compile my app OK as 32 bit only when creating an XCode project from the .pro file.

      See forum post here:


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