Resolution: Done
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 2.1.0, Qt Creator 2.3.1
I am currently developing an application MinimalApp/ (see the attached archive, which contains a minimal example of the problem) that depends on a static library MinimalLib/ As the code must be shared with my team, I have made the dependency explicit in a third .pro file, MinimalApp/ Opening causes Qt Creator 2.1.0's project navigator to nest MinimalApp and MinimalLib under MinimalFailure, as expected.
For some reason, Qt Creator 2.1.0 fails to load run configurations that I create with this hierarchy of .pro files. It allows me to create run configurations, and it successfully passes command-line parameters to my application, but if I close Qt Creator and reopen it, the run configurations are no longer there (it does save them in the file, as it should, but it doesn't load them). If I replace with:
TEMPLATE = subdirs CONFIG += ordered SUBDIRS = ../MinimalLib
Qt Creator stores my run configurations in and successfully loads them when I restart it. Also, if I open directly, it stores my run configurations in and successfully loads them when I restart it. But obviously, I want to use, so that I can develop the application and the library together.
I tried upgrading to Qt Creator 2.3.1 to see if that would fix the problem. I have not tested it with the attached minimal example, but I did test it with my original .pro files. It did load my run configurations when I restarted it, but they were not editable (the text boxes were grayed out), and it gave a warning message saying "the .pro file could not be parsed". However qmake does not complain about parsing errors if I call qmake directly, even if I use the -Wall option (I'm not sure if this option controls qmake's output, or if it just passes it to g++).