Resolution: Done
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 2.4.0
Windows 7 Enterprise, MSVC++2010 Express, Qt Creator 2.4.0 from Qt SDK 1.1.4
I installed Qt SDK 1.1.4, but only selected Qt Creator and documentation components (so that I can use Qt Creator to work on Qt 5).
This is a fresh install of everything. The machine previously did not have any development tools installed on it. After installing MSVC++ 2010 Express, ActivePerl, Git for Windows, and Qt Creator, I cloned into C:\qt5 and only checked out the qtbase submodule:
C:\> git clone
C:\> cd qt5
C:\qt5> git submodule --init update qtbase
C:\qt5> cd qtbase
C:\qt5\qtbase> git pull --ff-only origin master:master
C:\qt5\qtbase> git checkout master
I then built qtbase:
C:\qt5\qtbase> configure -opensource -developer-build -confirm-license && nmake
After building, I add this Qt build in the Build&Run configuration. I then load C:\qt5\qtbase\ into Qt Creator, importing the existing build, and start modifying some files. When I try to diff, the git diff command is run in C:\qt5 instead of C:\qt5\qtbase, so I do not see a diff of the files I've edited. When trying to commit, it shows C:\qt5 as the repository, not C:\qt5\qtbase:
From the Version Control output window:
09:08 Executing in C:\qt5: git diff --no-color --patience --ignore-space-change – qtbase
Diff shows:
diff --git a/qtbase b/qtbase
index 7dca461..c7730f8 160000
— a/qtbase
+++ b/qtbase
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 7dca461620ee6d8cce3a74acf2e1530d4497bff9
+Subproject commit c7730f8ec250eaeaa6f90ee5f86cfe06cbee4032-dirty