Resolution: Duplicate
P3: Somewhat important
It would be nice, if the open editors could be classified, so that they don't show all the same files.
For example the editor is splitted into 4 parts, now all showing the same source. All editors are numbered.
On close coupled sources like .h and .c it would be nice to add some kind of dynamic filter: Context operation on editor #1 - this editor is "header-editor" for editor #3.
Then the following happens:
- the filelist of editor #1 is filtered to show only .h
- the filelist of editor #3 is filtered to show only .c
- when editor #1 is active and the cursor is inside a class declaration, editor #3 loads the source-file, that shows the definitions for that class
Really great would be the context-linking, that editor #3 shows the definition for the function, the cursor is on editor #1 - same should work, if edtior #3 is active. Whatever source is shown, editor #1 should load the file containing the appropriate declaration.
If other filetypes exists, that are similarly close coupled that .h and .c - the filter should work there too.
Issue Links
- is replaced by
QTCREATORBUG-9141 Let code and user define that an editor split should grab all cpp/header files (or any other mimetypes)
- Reported