Resolution: Done
P2: Important
Qt Creator 2.7.1
You create two sessions: say you fire up QtCreator and
- go to File->Session manager and create a session "1" and then open a file "1.cpp" in the editor: so you have now created session "1" containing "1.cpp" opened in the editor; then
- go to File->Session manager and create a new session "2" and open a file "2.cpp" in the editor: so you have now created session "2" containing "2.cpp" opened in the editor;
- while in session "2", place two BREAKPOINTS in "2.cpp", then
- switch to session "1" WITHOUT CLOSING QtCreator, i.e. you switch to session "1" via the "File -> Sessions" menu, then
- you switch back to session "2" (also WITHOUT CLOSING QtCreator, via the File -> Sessions menu): THE BREAKPOINTS YOU PLACED IN "2.cpp" ARE GONE.
As far as i can tell, this happens every time when you switch sessions from QtCreator's File->Session, i.e. the breakpoints you have set in a session "1" are lost when you switch to it from another session "2" using QtCreator's File->Sessions menu.