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  1. Qt Installer Framework
  2. QTIFW-1199

Ignore return codes for addOperation "Execute"



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P4: Low
    • None
    • 3.0.4
    • General
    • None
    • MSYS2

    • Windows


      I'm trying to create an installer for an application that also installs drivers on Windows, using the dpinst.exe tool from MIcrosoft. I have added the following line to the JS script in the createOperations function:

      component.addOperation("Execute", "@TargetDir@/usb_driver/dpinst_amd64.exe");

      However, the problem is that this tool encodes information in its return code, as explained here:

      This means that the tool has a huge amount of possible return codes, most of them valid.

      In the installer, it expects that the tool returns 0 on success, otherwise it notifies an error to the user. It is possible to overwrite this by giving the explicit list of valid return codes, but in this case the list of valid return codes is very very long / too long.

      It would be great that the installer ignores the return code if we set an empty list of valid return codes, like this:

      component.addOperation("Execute", "{}", "@TargetDir@/usb_driver/dpinst_amd64.exe");

      But currently, setting this causes the installer to try to start a software called "{}" and fail.


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            installerteam Installer Team
            habersaat Alexandre Habersaat
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