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  1. Qt Installer Framework
  2. QTIFW-2658

Unable to load external translation file



    • Windows
    • Qt Installer Sprint 60


      Hello, I'm trying to add additional language support to an installer built by QtIFW, and I'm running out of ideas on what to try.
      I've got sample (unfinished translation to Czech), and I've tried following:
      a) Adding to config.xml


      (That doesn't seem to work at all.)

      b) Using extra resource file and passing it to the binarycreator with -r
      Used command:

      /C/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.2/bin/binarycreator.exe -c win64/config/config.xml -p win64/packages -t /C/Qt/Tools/QtInstallerFramework/4.2/bin/installerbase.exe -r win64/config/translations.qrc installer.exe

      Content of translations.qrc:

      <qresource prefix="/translations">
      <qresource prefix="/translations_new">

      In this case, if I view created installer with binary editor, I can see the occurences of translated strings, but the translation won't load.
      Additionaly, when I view output of installer with -d -d

      ./installer.exe -d -d:

      $ ./installer.exe -d -d
      IFW Version: 4.2.0, built with Qt 5.12.11.
      Build date: Nov 5 2021
      Installer Framework SHA1: e0b1a21917d052919bfda6f49980a6a7afd3998b
      [0] Arguments: C:\Users\Roman\Desktop\installer.exe, -d, -d
      [0] Resource tree:
      [0] :/translations
      [0] :/translations/ifw_zh_CN.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_pt_BR.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_ar.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_ca.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_da.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_de.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_en.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_es.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_fr.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_ja.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_it.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_pl.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_pt.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_ru.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_pt_BR.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_ar.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_ca.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_de.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_da.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_es.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_en.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_fr.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_it.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_ja.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_pl.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_pt.qm
      [0] :/translations/ifw_ru.qm
      [0] :/translations/qt_zh_CN.qm
      [0] :/uninstall.png
      [0] :/installer.png
      [0] :/installer.ico
      [0] :/keepinstalled.png
      [0] :/installer.icns
      [0] :/install.png
      [0] :/keepuninstalled.png
      [1] :/qgradient
      [1] :/qgradient/webgradients.binaryjson
      [14] Operations sanity check succeeded.
      [20] Language: cs-CZ
      [322] Received install command:
      [323] AvailableVersion: 0.7.11
      [324] Package already installed, but integrity check failed..uninstalling old package first..
      [324] Shutting down the application
      [338] Using maintenance tool located at:
      [338] Waiting for uninstall..
      [339] Loaded control script ":/metadata/installer-config/controlscript_qs.qs"
      [339] Using control script: ":/metadata/installer-config/controlscript_qs.qs"
      [349] Control script callback "IntroductionPageCallback" does not exist.


      The bundled resources are missing in the output.
      Are there any other requirements for loading translation?


        1. ifw_cs.qm
          0.6 kB
        2. qt_cs.qm
          0.1 kB
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            arttu.tarkiainen Arttu Tarkiainen
            formatsh Roman Došek
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