The latest mingw installer asks me for administrative permissions, but fails with 'Couldn't get authorization' afterwards.
Operations start: 158079
Operations end: 16
Resource count: 1
Data block size: 685653643
Magic marker: 302133811
Magic cookie: 14007050384008702200
Index size: 48
End of data: 698072715
Number of operations: 0
Number of components loaded: 22
qt loaded... loaded...
- 2 archives: 4.8.0-1-1x32-4.8.0-release-posix-dwarf-rev2.7z - 38.26 MiB; 4.8.0-1-1x32-4.8.0-release-posix-dwarf-rev2.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes loaded... - 2 archives: 2011-03-03vcredist_sp1_x86.7z - 4.80 MiB; 2011-03-03vcredist_sp1_x86.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.win32_mingw48.essentials loaded... - 6 archives: 5.1.0icu_51_1_mingw_builds_4_8_0_posix_dwarf_32.7z - 6.26 MiB; 5.1.0icu_51_1_mingw_builds_4_8_0_posix_dwarf_32.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0mingw48_essentials.7z - 366.36 MiB; 5.1.0mingw48_essentials.7z.sha1 - 40.
00 bytes; 5.1.0x32-4.8.0-release-posix-dwarf-rev2-runtime.7z - 353.11 KiB; 5.1.0x32-4.8.0-release-posix-dwarf-rev2-runtime.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.win32_mingw48.addons loaded... - 2 archives: 5.1.0mingw48_addons.7z - 11.09 MiB; 5.1.0mingw48_addons.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.src loaded...
qt.510.src.addons.qtserialport loaded... - 2 archives: 5.1.0qtserialport-src.7z - 175.92 KiB; 5.1.0qtserialport-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.win32_mingw48 loaded... loaded... - 4 archives: 2.7.0D3DCompiler_43-x86.7z - 688.05 KiB; 2.7.0D3DCompiler_43-x86.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 2.7.0qt-creator-opensource-vs2010-32.7z - 53.55 MiB; 2.7.0qt-creator-opensource-vs2010-32.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510 loaded... loaded...
qt.510.src.essentials loaded... - 24 archives: 5.1.0qtbase-src.7z - 44.72 MiB; 5.1.0qtbase-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtdeclarative-src.7z - 15.82 MiB; 5.1.0qtdeclarative-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtdoc-src.7z - 16.00 MiB; 5.1.0qtdoc-src.7z.sha1 -
40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtjsbackend-src.7z - 8.04 MiB; 5.1.0qtjsbackend-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtmultimedia-src.7z - 4.01 MiB; 5.1.0qtmultimedia-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtquick1-src.7z - 15.23 MiB; 5.1.0qtquick1-src.7
z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtquickcontrols-src.7z - 533.66 KiB; 5.1.0qtquickcontrols-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtscript-src.7z - 2.53 MiB; 5.1.0qtscript-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qttools-src.7z - 8.85 MiB; 5.1.0qttool
s-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtwebkit-examples-src.7z - 3.24 MiB; 5.1.0qtwebkit-examples-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtwebkit-src.7z - 32.41 MiB; 5.1.0qtwebkit-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 5.1.0qtxmlpatterns-src.7z - 1.31
MiB; 5.1.0qtxmlpatterns-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.patcher loaded...
qt.510.src.addons.qtsvg loaded... - 2 archives: 5.1.0qtsvg-src.7z - 1.67 MiB; 5.1.0qtsvg-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.readme loaded... - 4 archives: 1.0.0qt-project-url.7z - 230.00 bytes; 1.0.0qt-project-url.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes; 1.0.0readme.7z - 2.22 KiB; 1.0.0readme.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.src.addons.qtx11extras loaded... - 2 archives: 5.1.0qtx11extras-src.7z - 28.71 KiB; 5.1.0qtx11extras-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.src.addons.qtgraphicaleffects loaded... - 2 archives: 5.1.0qtgraphicaleffects-src.7z - 13.65 MiB; 5.1.0qtgraphicaleffects-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.src.addons.qttranslations loaded... - 2 archives: 5.1.0qttranslations-src.7z - 1019.16 KiB; 5.1.0qttranslations-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.src.addons.qtimageformats loaded... - 2 archives: 5.1.0qtimageformats-src.7z - 1004.53 KiB; 5.1.0qtimageformats-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.src.addons.qtsensors loaded... - 2 archives: 5.1.0qtsensors-src.7z - 1.98 MiB; 5.1.0qtsensors-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.src.addons.qtactiveqt loaded... - 2 archives: 5.1.0qtactiveqt-src.7z - 257.46 KiB; 5.1.0qtactiveqt-src.7z.sha1 - 40.00 bytes
qt.510.src.addons loaded...
Resource tree after loading the in-binary resource:
StartMenuPath: "C:\Users\kkoehne\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
DesktopDir: "C:\Users\kkoehne\Desktop"
Unable to open translated license file. Using untranslated fallback.
Unable to open translated license file. Using untranslated fallback.
Unable to open translated license file. Using untranslated fallback.
Unable to open translated license file. Using untranslated fallback.
Unable to open translated license file. Using untranslated fallback.
Url is: "://metadata/"
Warning: Designer: Attempt to add child that is not of class QWizardPage to QWizard.
Warning: Designer: Attempt to add child that is not of class QWizardPage to QWizard.
Warning: Designer: Attempt to add child that is not of class QWizardPage to QWizard.
qt.510.win32_mingw48.addons added
qt.510.win32_mingw48.essentials added
qt.510.win32_mingw48.addons added
qt.510.win32_mingw48.essentials added
qt.510.win32_mingw48.addons added
qt.510.win32_mingw48.essentials added
qt.510.win32_mingw48.addons added
qt.510.win32_mingw48.essentials added
components list is empty in bool __thiscall QInstaller::PackageManagerCorePrivate::appendComponentsToUninstall(const class QList<class QInstaller::Component *> &)
qt.510.win32_mingw48.addons added
qt.510.win32_mingw48.essentials added
Tmp and install folder are on the same volume. Volume mount point: "C:\" Free space available: "54.48 GiB"
Installation space required: "0.00 bytes" Temporary space required: "0.00 bytes" Local repository size: "0.00 bytes"
backup operation: Mkdir - arguments: C:/Qt/Qt5.1.0-mingw-opensource
perform operation: Mkdir - arguments: C:/Qt/Qt5.1.0-mingw-opensource
Install size: 11 components
Starting elevated process C:\Users\kkoehne\Downloads\qt-windows-opensource-5.1.0-rc1-mingw48_opengl-x86-offline-2013-05-31-45.exe with arguments: --startserver 30220 {682f81eb-365a-4b92-bb16-fcfa2327c81a}.
Finished starting elevated process.
created critical message box Authorization Error: 'Couldn't get authorization.', Couldn't get authorization that is needed for continuing the installation.
Either abort the installation or use the fallback solution by running
C:/Users/kkoehne/Downloads/qt-windows-opensource-5.1.0-rc1-mingw48_opengl-x86-offline-2013-05-31-45.exe --startserver 30220 {682f81eb-365a-4b92-bb16-fcfa2327c81a}as root and then clicking ok.
Issue Links
- is required for
QTBUG-31856 Qt5.1.0 issues to be fixed before final
- Closed