Download the latest Qt5.2.0 alpha release for Mac (used qt-mac-opensource-5.2.0-alpha-clang-offline_2013-09-16_11-36-41.dmg while testing).
Install the Qt with the attached .qs script.
Installation is jammed on the Setup wizard page.
Fyi: --version information for the installer:
digia@sdk-mac:/Volumes/qt-mac-opensource-5.2.0-alpha-clang-offline/$ ./qt-mac-opensource-5.2.0-alpha-clang-offline --version
Installer creation time: 2013-09-16 - 11:44:44
IFW Version: "1.4.1", Installer base SHA1: "ddf7700", Build date: "Sep 16 2013".
Bug is blocking Mac installer testing on the RTA (release test automation).