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  1. Qt Installer Framework
  2. QTIFW-507

Generic and flexible way to patch needed files during installation



    • Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • P1: Critical
    • 4.1.0
    • None
    • General
    • 5
    • Qt Installer Sprint 22, Qt Installer Sprint 23, Qt Installer Sprint 24, Qt Installer Sprint 25


      We need more flexible way to patch needed files during installation. Also the current way to defining files-to-patch-* resource and triggering the IFW operation via installscript.qs is sub-optimal.

      Also packaging needs to get rid of pre-patching artifacts meaning these patching steps should be executed during installation where we already patch files too.

      It should be possible to define patching rules e.g. in .json/.yaml format which are then interpreted by the patcher.

      • write to files
      • replace strings from files (include filters apply), regex support needed
      • installation paths of the artifacts should be possible to be defined
        • possibility to strip out directory levels from artifacts

      The patcher should be a generic component which can be built as part of the installer or built as a stand alone command line application. To have it as stand alone application helps greatly to track down possible patching related issues and enables testing the logic better as well.

      As a separate component the patcher can also be used in upcoming Qt6 installers.



      • To reduce the use of script engine, installer should support defining most common cases in package.xml. For example:
        • <Operations>
        •     <QtPatch>...</>
        •     <Shortcuts>...</>
        •     <Setting>...</>
        • </>



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        For Gerrit Dashboard: QTIFW-507
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            kamartti Katja Marttila
            iknd Iikka Eklund
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