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  1. Qt for MCUs
  2. QTMCU-119

Clicking disabled Button within SwipeView causes the enabled sibling Buttons to behave like disabled




      When clicking disabled Button within SwipeView, the enabled sibling Buttons start to behave like they were disabled unless SwipeView is flicked.

      Issue reproduces both on Windows desktop build and hardware builds.

      Reproducer attached, which has a horizontal SwipeView with two pages:

      • The first page has two buttons and the second page doesn't have important content.
      • The first button on the first page has a number bind to its text property and clicking on the button increments the number in order to easily verify successful button click.
      • The second button on the first page is disabled

      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Build and run the attached example with Qt for MCUs 2.2
      2. Click on the first button, number is incremented as expected
      3. Click on the disabled button, nothing happens as expected
      4. Click again on the first button, clicking doesn't work and number is not incremented which is not expected

      Please be careful when clicking the buttons. try not to accidentally start swiping. Keep mouse firmly attached to table when clicking and then the problem can be reproduced. But if you start even a 1-pixel swipe, then the app recovers and clicking on the first button works again.

      So this seems to be some sort of combination of the SwipeView and a disabled button where updating the SwipeView restores the functionality, so the bindings seem to be still valid in this case.


        1. qtmcu119.zip
          1 kB
          Tuukka Kettunen
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