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  1. Qt for MCUs
  2. QTMCU-223

Add mode to QUL Property so it manages the lifecycle



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • Qt fo MCUs 2.5.2
    • QUL Team


      Add mode to QUL Property so it manages the lifecycle (creation, usage and destruction) of object value s as a black box. Ex, it can be used as a view for the std:string, but it does not manage the lifecycle of std:string.

      Example code:

      #ifndef MAIN_H
      #define MAIN_H
      #include <qul/object.h>
      #include <qul/property.h>
      #include <cstring>
      #include <string>
      struct MyObject : public Qul::Object {
      Qul::Property<std::string> variable;
      MyObject() {
      variable.setValue("Hello World!");
      const char *myString = variable.value().c_str();
      m_myString = foo(myString);
      Qul::PlatformInterface::log("string is %s: ", m_myString.data());
      static std::string foo(const char* data) {
      return data;
      std::string m_myString;;
      #endif // MAIN_H

      This would be important for example in the use case where property is used for storing an IP address passed to the IP stack - you really don't know how long the pointer has to be alive, and when std::string is in property there is very little control over buffer. So, QML code accessing the property can cause buffer reallocation and hence a dangling pointer.


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