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  1. Qt for MCUs
  2. QTMCU-240

required property behaves differently from the big qt



    • 453db521, 71c8ffad, 2a0ad1d5


      there's something called required property in big qt(https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-syntax-objectattributes.html#required-properties).

      one of the effects of the required property mentioned in the doc above is that the qml file instanciating a custom qml type with a required property must initialize that required property, otherwise an error occurs.

      however in qt for mcus, the behavior seems to differ.

      with the code below:

      // MyComponent.qml
      import QtQuick
      Text {
          required property int a
          Item {    }
      // RequiredExperiment.qml <-- main qml file
      import QtQuick
      Rectangle {
          MyComponent {
              anchors.centerIn: parent
              text: "Qt for MCUs"

      i got this error:

      C:/Users/81808/Downloads/RequiredExperiment/MyComponent.qml:4:5: error: Required property outside of a delegate
          required property int a 

      this is yelling at me as the required property is not inside delegate, but in big qt, this syntax should be allowed.

      here is the code with big qt 6.6:

      // MyComponent.qml
      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Window
      Text {
          required property int a
          Item {    }
      // RequiredExperimentBigQt.qml <-- main qml file
      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Window
      Window {
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          title: qsTr("Hello World")
          MyComponent {

      the build didn't emit an error but i got a runtime error:

      11:55:40: Starting C:\Users\81808\Downloads\build-RequiredExperimentBigQt-Desktop_Qt_6_6_0_MinGW_64_bit-Debug\appRequiredExperimentBigQt.exe...
      QQmlApplicationEngine failed to create component
      qrc:/RequiredExperimentBigQt/MyComponent.qml:5:5: Required property a was not initialized
      QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. 

      by the way, even when i initialized the required property like this in the mcu project:

      import QtQuick
      Rectangle {
          MyComponent {
              a: 1 // <--- initialize it
              anchors.centerIn: parent
              text: "Qt for MCUs"

      i got this error:

      C:/Users/81808/Downloads/RequiredExperiment/RequiredExperiment.qml:5:9: error: Binding on read-only property
              a: 1 


      i've checked the known issues and limitations of 2.6 but couldn't find this issue.



      both projects are attached to this ticket.




        1. RequiredExperimentBigQt.zip
          4 kB
          Mikio Hirai
        2. RequiredExperiment.zip
          5 kB
          Mikio Hirai

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              k0rahman Karim Abdelrahman
              mikio_hirai Mikio Hirai
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