Resolution: Done
P0: Blocker
Steps taken already in the tier1 image:
- VMware tools installed (needed so that we get the network driver we need)
- screen resolution set to 1280x800
- download coin-setup script and run it (installs the bootstrap agent, disables fast boot, disables firewall (both public and private nowadays), disabled UAC, enabled autologin)
- enable RDP
- change active time for updates from 1am to 12pm
- windows security - real time protection off
- windows security - cloud-delivered protection off
- windows security - automatic sample submission off
- defragment and optimize drives - change settings - uncheck "run on a schedule" to disable background defrag
- or "schtasks /Delete /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Defrag\ScheduledDefrag"
- Set timezone to UTC
- administrator tools - services - Windows search stop & disable
- administrator tools - services - Windows Update stop & disable
- registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU -> AUOptions - 2 (provisioning should disable automatic update, but every Windows 10 seems to work a bit differently. And perhaps best to disable already in the tier1 image so that it doesn't have time to launch on provisioning)
- power settings screen & sleep -> never
- disable superfetch (sysmain nowadays)
- "turn windows features on or off" -> Enable "SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support"
Something to investigate: should we disable SSDP Discovery (netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Network Discovery" new enable=No)
Issue Links
- depends on
QTBUG-64985 tst_QTimeZone::transitionEachZone(Europe/Samara@2010) failed
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QTBUG-74854 /3rdparty/chromium/net/third_party/quic/core/qpack/ error C2398: Element '4': conversion from 'const uint64_t' to 'size_t' requires a narrowing conversion
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QTBUG-74698 QtWebEngine windows 10 msvc 2017 tests fails with tst_QWebEngineDownloadItem::downloadUniqueFilename
- Closed