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  1. Qt Quality Assurance Infrastructure
  2. QTQAINFRA-4532

Vulkan SDK for WIndows CI should be updated (was: qsb_spv_temp_out returned non-zero error code 1)



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 6.2
    • None


      The Windows CI seems to use Vulkan SDK 1.0.51, released June 2017. This is not ideal. The "error" refered here is not a fatal error, because it is intentionally handled gracefully in order to not stop the build. It is however not optimal that we are stuck with ancient tools (such as, spirv-opt) coming from that SDK.

      The following happens 16 times throughout the build log below:

      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: [5332/6180] cmd.exe /C "cd /D C:\Users\qt\work\qt\qtdeclarative\examples\quick\scenegraph\twotextureproviders && C:\Users\qt\work\install\bin\qsb.exe --glsl 100es,120,150 --hlsl 50 --msl 12 -b -c -O -o C:/Users/qt/work/qt/qtdeclarative/examples/quick/scenegraph/twotextureproviders/.qsb/shaders/xorblender.vert.qsb /Users/qt/work/qt/qtdeclarative/examples/quick/scenegraph/twotextureproviders/shaders/xorblender.vert"
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: spirv-opt -O C:\Users\qt\AppData\Local\Temp\qsb-TFwqAN\qsb_spv_temp -o C:\Users\qt\AppData\Local\Temp\qsb-TFwqAN\qsb_spv_temp_out
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: spirv-opt -O C:\Users\qt\AppData\Local\Temp\qsb-TFwqAN\qsb_spv_temp -o C:\Users\qt\AppData\Local\Temp\qsb-TFwqAN\qsb_spv_temp_out returned non-zero error code 1
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: spirv-opt - Optimize a SPIR-V binary file.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: 
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: USAGE: spirv-opt [options] [<input>] -o <output>
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: 
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: The SPIR-V binary is read from <input>. If no file is specified,
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: or if <input> is "-", then the binary is read from standard input.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: if <output> is "-", then the optimized output is written to
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: standard output.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: 
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: NOTE: The optimizer is a work in progress.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: 
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391: Options:
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:   --strip-debug
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                Remove all debug instructions.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:   --freeze-spec-const
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                Freeze the values of specialization constants to their default
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                values.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:   --eliminate-dead-const
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                Eliminate dead constants.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:   --fold-spec-const-op-composite
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                Fold the spec constants defined by OpSpecConstantOp or
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                OpSpecConstantComposite instructions to front-end constants
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                when possible.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:   --set-spec-const-default-value "<spec id>:<default value> ..."
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                Set the default values of the specialization constants with
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                <spec id>:<default value> pairs specified in a double-quoted
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                string. <spec id>:<default value> pairs must be separated by
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                blank spaces, and in each pair, spec id and default value must
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                be separated with colon ':' without any blank spaces in between.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:56 build.go:391:                e.g.: --set-spec-const-default-value "1:100 2:400"
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:   --unify-const
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:                Remove the duplicated constants.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:   --inline-entry-points-exhaustive
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:                Exhaustively inline all function calls in entry point functions.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:                Currently does not inline calls to functions with multiple
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:                returns.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:   --flatten-decorations
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:                Replace decoration groups with repeated OpDecorate and
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:                OpMemberDecorate instructions.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:   --compact-ids
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:                Remap result ids to a compact range starting from %1 and without
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:                any gaps.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:   -h, --help   Print this help.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391:   --version    Display optimizer version information.
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391: spirv-opt -O C:\Users\qt\AppData\Local\Temp\qsb-TFwqAN\qsb_spv_temp -o C:\Users\qt\AppData\Local\Temp\qsb-TFwqAN\qsb_spv_temp_out
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391: spirv-opt -O C:\Users\qt\AppData\Local\Temp\qsb-TFwqAN\qsb_spv_temp -o C:\Users\qt\AppData\Local\Temp\qsb-TFwqAN\qsb_spv_temp_out returned non-zero error code 1
      agent:2021/08/25 12:15:57 build.go:391: spirv-opt - Optimize a SPIR-V binary file.



        For Gerrit Dashboard: QTQAINFRA-4532
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            hehalmet Heikki Halmet
            mitch_curtis Mitch Curtis
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