Resolution: Done
P2: Important
6.6, 6.7
Creating custom gui examples for squish test suite aiming to be a complement to the already existing auto-test.
The goal of these new squish test suites is to reduce the flakiness of auto-test.
(The list will contain which auto test it aims to complement and which function should be tested on it)
(A list of the already created and wip custom examples will be written and maintained here as well)
All of the tests are located on a private git repo (at the moment) and their Squish suites as well.
Tst_qrhiwidget (grabFrameBufferWhileStillInvisible, simple)
- Most likely cannot be tested with Squish as screenshots are not the most reliable way
to verify results. Will not be done for now.
Tst_qquicklistview (multipleTransitions) C
- multipleTransitions requires that you are fast enough to manually interrupt a transition in progress with another action that cancels the transition.
Tst_qcombobox (popupPositionAfterStyleChange) F DONE
Tst_qquickpopup (popupWindowChangingParent, closeOnEscapeWithNestedPopups, closeOnEscapeWithVisiblePopup, tabFence, disabledPalette, destroyDuringExitTransition, disabledParentPalette) F DONE
- DestroyDuringExitTransition can most likely not be tested reliably using Squish conventional testing methods
- popupWindowChangingParent and closeOnEscapeWithNestedPopups MIGHT be do-able with Squish (this needs to be verified)
Tst_qwidget (hoverPosition, largerThanScreen_QTBUG340142, enterLeaveOnWindowShowHide, setParentChangesFocus, syntheticEnterLeave, saveRestoreGeometry, underMouse, optimizedResizeMove, touchEventsForGesturePendingWidgets, taskQTBUG_4055_sendSynthethicEnterLeave, closeAndShowNativeChild, activateWhileModalHidden, setToolTip, normalGeometry, raise, dumpObjectTree, ,showMaximized, grabKeyboard, moveChild, showNativeChild, multipleTopLevelFocusCheck) F DONE
- hoverPosition requires that you hover with the cursor, however squish cannot use this option when testing
- enterLeaveOnWindowShowHide requires to enter and leave a window, howeer squish cannot process the enter and leave events for the cursor
- setParentChangesFocus, need further testing this one could maybe actually be done
- sysntheticEnterLeave cannot process synthetic enterLeave event in squish
- underMouse requires that you hover with the cursor. Cannot process this event with squish
- touchEventsForGesturePendingWidgets cannot process touchEvents with squish (require further testing)
- dumpObjectTree
Tst_qwidget_window (resetFocusObjectOnDestruction, tst_dnd_events, showHideWindowHandle, setWindowState) F DONE
- resetFocusObjectOnDestruction I doubt that this can be tested using squish
- tst_dnd_events cannot be tested, would probably be needed to completely rewrite a test for it
Tst_qcolorspace (imageconversion)
- Testing graphics is not optimal using Squish
Tst_qfilesystemmodel (showFilesOnly) C (executable done)
Tst_qabstractitemview (inputMethodOpensEditor, selectionAutoScrolling, removeIndexWhileEditing, pressClosesReleaseDoesntOpenEditor, testSpinBoxAsEditor, mouseSelection, focusNextOnHide) F DONE
tst_basic (Action::test_shared, Action::test_repeater)
- Will not be done at the time being
tst_qquicktextedit (emptytags_QTBUG_22058, cursorDelegateHeight, cursorDelegate, cursorVisible, overwriteMode, keySelection, signal_editingfinished, persistentSelection, textInput, inputMehodUpdate, inputMethodComposing, ) C done
tst_qgesturerecognizer (panGesture, swipeGesture, touchReplay,)
- Gestures are not something that can be tested using squish (a functionality to test gestures exist, but this will not be done at this time)
tst_qquickanimatedimage (currentFrame, ) C (executable done)
tst_qdockwidget (saveAndRestore, hideAndShow, task258459_visibilityChanged, task248604_infiniteResize) F DONE
tst_qcompleter (task253125_lineEditCompletion, task247560_keyboardNavigation, focusin) F DONE
tst_qgraphicsview (scrollBarRanges)
- Over 300 varations of this test are being done. Squish is probably not a good option for it.
Will not be done for now
tst_qtreeview (taskQTBUG_61476, testInitialFocus, moveCursor) C almost done
tst_qshortcut (in widgets) (context) C DONE
tst_qquickhoverhandler (window)
- Squish does not capture the cursor, therefore it would be hard to make a reliable test for this
tst_qheaderview (stretchAndRestoreLastSection) F DONE
- The way to check the size of the column should be modified eventually
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