********* Start testing of tst_Bic *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.8.0, Qt 5.8.0 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) debug build; by GCC 4.8.5)
WARNING: tst_Bic::initTestCase() This test needs the correct qmake in PATH, we need it to generate INCPATH for qt modules.
Loc: [tst_bic.cpp(336)]
SKIP : tst_Bic::initTestCase() /home/qt/work/qt/qtwebchannel/tests/global/global.cfg does not exist. Create it if you want to run this test.
Loc: [tst_bic.cpp(359)]
PASS : tst_Bic::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 1 passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 1ms
********* Finished testing of tst_Bic *********