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  1. Qt Visual Studio Tools

Generate the properties interface of tools such as MOC and UIC automatically.



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • None
    • General
    • None


      Currently the project properties interface of tools such as MOC and UIC have to be kept in sync with the latest versions of these tools manually. Whenever a change is made to these tools, VS tools has to be modified to accommodate those changes.

      This requires constant maintenance which can be avoided with an automated solution. Investigate the possibility of moving to automatic generation of the said properties, and implement it if it is feasible.

      The following files are relevant:

      • [TOOL_NAME].targets
      • [TOOL_NAME][ |_v3].xml[ |_TT]
      • Qt[TOOL_NAME].cs

      There are two approaches:

      • Implement a separate program to be ran by the developers, which parses the -h documentation of each relevant tool, and generates/updates the above files as necessary.
      • Implement the functionality directly into VS tools, which parses the -h documentation of each relevant tool in the user's machine, using user's selected Qt version. This is the better solution, as only the settings relevant to the user's selected Qt version will appear in the properties page. However note that this would require extraction of the relevant functionality from .cs files to runtime-read files.


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            qtvstools Qt VS Tools
            ali.demiralp Ali Can Demiralp
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