Feature request:
Expose Qt Version $(QTVERSION) as environment variable the same way $(QTDIR) is set by the add-in.
I have several libraries used in several of my applications.
Since I use different Qt Versions (static and dynamic) with these applications I have to do a clean build whenever I switch between solutions.
Hence I'd like to add the Qt version to my temp and out dir in order to separate the builds. (like so: .\..\..\temp\$(TargetName)\$(QTVERSION))
Here is my proposed fix:
diff --git a/Qt4VS2003/QtProjectLib/QtProject.cs b/Qt4VS2003/QtProjectLib/QtProject.cs
index 1d149b1..4a87b1e 100644
— a/Qt4VS2003/QtProjectLib/QtProject.cs
+++ b/Qt4VS2003/QtProjectLib/QtProject.cs
@@ -3583,7 +3583,8 @@ namespace Nokia.QtProjectLib
string qtDir = null;
if (qtVersion != "$(QTDIR)")
- qtDir = QtVersionManager.The().GetInstallPath(qtVersion);
+ qtDir = QtVersionManager.The().GetInstallPath(qtVersion);
+ HelperFunctions.SetEnvironmentVariableEx("QTVERSION", qtVersion);
HelperFunctions.SetEnvironmentVariableEx("QTDIR", qtDir);
#if VS2010
It would be great if the Qt Project Settings dialog would support this as well.
Regards, ceumern
Issue Links
- depends on
QTVSADDINBUG-575 Set Qt version as a configuration property
- Closed