Resolution: Unresolved
P3: Somewhat important
Hi qt, i am a new contributor.
I am in the process of setting up my env for making a contribution to the qt sourcecode.
While making my first connection to over ssh i was prompted to verify the public key fingerprint for the host, which is required when using new ssh connection or when host keys change.
In most projects I helped so far there is a dedicated page/doc that hosts the latest public key/fingerprint so users can authenticate and keep the connection secured.
The only place i could find the latest fingerprint at was this mail-list which is harder to find and might confuse new contributors.
Also if the keys will change in the future there might not be an easy to find page hosting the latest fingerprints.
I updated the wiki here (pending a review) to list the current fingerprints. But I think its best to set a easy to find page for both those who look for the fingerprints for use and also for the maintainers to save at.